Categories: News

The Turks Know


Oct 24 2007

I recently pointed out the stunningly obvious fact – so obvious,
in fact, you won’t see it mentioned anywhere else – that it wasn’t
the ‘powerful Armenian lobby’ motivating the bizarre decision by Tom
Lantos to bring up the Armenian genocide at this particularly delicate
time. The Turks know exactly what is going on. From the JTA:

" When a U.S. congressional committee approved a resolution recognizing
the World War I-era massacre of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire as
genocide, Turkey’s reaction was swift and harsh: Blame the Jews.

In an interview with the liberal Islamic Zaman newspaper on the eve
of the resolution’s approval Oct. 10 by the U.S. House Committee on
Foreign Affairs, Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said he told
American Jewish leaders that a genocide bill would strengthen the
public perception in Turkey that ‘Armenian and Jewish lobbies unite
forces against Turks.’

Babacan added, ‘We have told them that we cannot explain it to the
public in Turkey if a road accident happens. We have told them that
we cannot keep the Jewish people out of this.’"

and: "An online survey by Zaman’s English-language edition asking
why Turks believed the bill succeeded showed at one point that 22
percent of respondents had chosen ‘Jews’ having legitimized the
genocide claims’ – second only to ‘Turkey’s negligence.’"

Do you think it is a coincidence that Israel has been training
the Kurds and that the Kurds suddenly took the opportunity of this
provocation by Israeli agent Lantos to mount a big attack against
the Turks in Turkey? The Kurds, egged on by the Israelis, want the
Turks to attack Iraqi Kurdistan, as they see it as the only way to
eventually lead to the breakup of Iraq and the creation of Greater
Kurdistan. Obviously, this also suits the Israelis. The Turks are
completely aware of the trickery, which is why they are attempting
to forge an alliance with the Iraqi leaders to find a sane way
around this.

This is a typical Zionist conspiracy, utterly unconcerned with the
devastation it will cause as long as there is the tiniest prospect
of advancement for the cause of Jewish power.

Kamalian Hagop:
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