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The Visit Of The Lifetime: Racine Armenians Welcome Their Spiritual

By Pete Wicklund

Journal Times, WI
Oct 24 2007

CALEDONIA – Faith came home in a grand way for the Racine area’s
Armenian faithful Tuesday night.

Nearly 400 people turned out at St. Mesrob Armenian Apostolic Church,
4605 Erie St., to welcome the spiritual leader of the world’s Armenian
Apostolic Christians – His Holiness Karekin II. Karekin is spending
October making his second visit to the United States, but his first
to Racine’s St. Mesrob.

It was the first time in 47 years that a Catholicos, as the Armenian
pontiff is called, has visited Racine.

In a service that lasted approximately an hour, Karekin, 56, called
on his followers to reaffirm their love for God, their church, the
United States and their ancestral home of Armenia.

"The value for the spiritual head is his people," Karekin said. "My
heart is with you."

As the Catholicos entered the sanctuary of St. Mesrob, a rush of the
faithful pushed toward the aisles seeking Karekin’s blessings.

Apologizing for what he called his limited English, Karekin was
actually able to articulate well his message of love and faith. He
even managed a little humor in doing so.

But he also made references to the hardships that the Armenian people
have experienced over the centuries, and said those hard times only
solidified faith.

"For love of God, we have been martyrs," Karekin said. "The
resurrection has accompanied the whole history of our nation."

The Catholicos also made reference to efforts to bring peace and
understanding throughout the world and the progress leaders of the
various Christian sects have made in bridging differences, especially
during the last half-century.

As testimony, Karekin was accompanied to St. Mesrob not just by the
world, national and local leaders of the Armenian Apostolic Church
– including Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, the primate of the Eastern
Diocese of the Armenian Church – but also by regional spiritual leaders
of many Christian stripes. Those included Archbishop Timothy Dolan
and Auxiliary Bishop Richard Sklba of the Milwaukee Archdiocese of the
Roman Catholic Church; the Rev. Steven Miller, bishop of the Episcopal
Diocese of Milwaukee; and Bishop Paul Stumme-Diers, prelate of the
Greater Milwaukee Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.

"I’m happy we have this occasion to pray together, because prayer is
the strength of our (Christian) faith," Karekin said. "With prayer
we unite in God."

The visit left those who attended Tuesday’s service feeling renewed
in faith and hope.

For Margaret Wigman of Racine, the visit sparked thoughts of returning
to the faith she took leave of to follow her husband’s Catholicism
after their marriage.

"I’m thinking of coming home," said Wigman. "It (Karekin’s visit)
was such a beautiful thing. It’s something we’ll carry forever."

The visit to St. Mesrob marked the second time Avak Grigorian of
Racine has seen Karekin. Grigorian was blessed by the Catholicos when
he traveled to Armenia on a Habitat for Humanity mission.

"It was beautiful to see him again," Grigorian said. "Since it might
be only once every 47 years, you have to enjoy him while he’s here
and really, really take his blessings to heart. He touched a lot
of people."

Anna Kocharian drove two hours from Madison for the visit.

"I’m originally from Armenia, so it was very moving for me to have
the Catholicos and the archbishop visit the church," Kocharian said.

"He’s always there for the people."

A moving moment in the service came when the Rev. Yeprem Kelegian,
St. Mesrob’s pastor, received Karekin’s blessing and gifts of a gold
cross and religious painting. A humbled Kelegian received a standing
ovation from his congregants.

Karapetian Hovik:
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