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Turkey Is The One To Prompt The Kurds To Establish The Independent K


23.10.2007 GMT+04:00

The instability of Iraq is a good reason to solve a part of the
"Kurdish problem", but if the events start to develop more abruptly,
the support of the Iraqi Kurds from the part of Syrian and Iranian
Kurds is not excluded.

Turkey, nevertheless, did what it threatened and the war with the Kurds
on the Iraqi territory is becoming more probable. Turkish soldiers have
already settled on the Iraqi borders by the dozens. Once again Ankara
proved that it will do anything to solve the Kurdish issue for good. It
is quite likely that the problem will be solved in a traditional way:
no Kurds, no issue – like was the case with the Armenians.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Turkish General Staff took no notice of the
announcement of the militants from the Kurdistan Workers Party,
according to which they agree to cease-fire in case the Turkish Army
in its turn refuses to carry any military operations in Northern Iraq,
informs the AFR Agency.

However, the Turkish party doesn’t take any measures yet, moreover,
according to difference sources, the number of the soldiers on the
Iraqi border is about 100.000 people, including heavy artillery and
helicopters. The operator of the Associate Press Television News
noticed a military escort of about 150 people, bringing guns and
containers with ammunition.

The escort moved from southeastern Shirnak to Uludere, which is not
far from the border.

Now the USA doesn’t limit itself to calls to Turkey, it has already
started to warn Iraq against the possible outcomes in case the
Kurdistan Workers Party continues its "terrorist activities regarding

However things are not as simple as they may seem at first
sight. According to The Los Angeles Times, "the Kurdish problem" is
used as Turkish, Syrian, Iranian and Iraqi problem. "The US invasion
of Iraq turned it into the American problem as well. David Petraeus,
General in the United States Army and Commander of Multi-National
Force is against involvement of the American troops in the war against
the militants from Kurdistan Workers Party, who have a rather large
territory in the Middle East under their control. But the USA may
put pressure on the Kurdish leaders, so that they would free their
territories from militants.

In any case Washington must find a solution," said Petraeus.

It is quite evident that the USA wants to force Turkey back from
the loot and the control over transportation of the Middle Eastern
oil. The choice of the oil transportation route has an essential
political significance and extremely beneficial economic outcomes for
the country through whose territory the pipeline is carried. This is
why the country which takes control over this issue will in future
get not only economic benefits but a long-term geopolitical advantage
in the region as well.

It should be mentioned that own oil supplies on the territory of
Turkey, which at present are the object of industrial design, are
concentrated in particular in the south-east of the country, in the
Province of Batman. Besides, in case of the realization of the project
of gas pipeline construction, joining the Azerbaijani birthplace of
Shah Denis with the Turkish city of Erzrum, through which the gas
pipeline joining Turkey with Iran runs, the USA securing its standings
in Eastern Anatolia by the help of the Kurds, could control the energy
vector supplies from the Central Asia to Turkey.

Today there are about 30-40 million Kurdish people in the world,
twice less then the population of Turkey.

However, since 1920 Turkey is trying to wipe out the Kurdish people,
yet with no particular success. The instability of Iraq is a good
reason to solve a part of the "Kurdish problem", but if the events
start to develop more abruptly, the support of the Iraqi Kurds from the
part of Syrian and Iranian Kurds is not excluded. All this is fraught
with a big war in the Middle East and perhaps with the reshaping
of already existing borders. It brings us to see that Turkey is the
one to prompt the Kurds to establish the independent Kurdistan, or
to be more exact to its widening, for something like an independent
Kurdistan already exists in Iraq. Meanwhile, in Ankara in October
1992 the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Turkey,
Iran and Syria, where the decision about leaving the territorial
integrity unchanged was made, took place. At the same time various
measures of counteraction of autonomisation of the Iraqi Kurdistan
were legalized. The Turkish authorities resorted to such measures,
since this interference is the most dimensional and most frequently
practiced one in Turkey in 90’s of the XX century, and according to
the foreign analysts, has become a long-term factor identifying the
crisis situation in the region.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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