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Bush-Cheney Vs. The Armenian Genocide


People’s Weekly World
Oct 25 2007

During World War I, the Turkish-controlled Ottoman Empire was
crumbling. In the decades before the war, economic dislocation and
political crisis intensified the long-standing oppression of the
Armenian Christian minority. World War I (1915-1918) was a bloody war
between rising and aging empires: the Ottoman Empire was allied with
the German monarchy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the losing
side, against an alliance of Czarist Russia, Britain, France, Japan
and the United States.

It was a war between two rival alliances seeking in effect to
redivide the world, the winners taking from the losers their colonies,
foreign markets and investment zones. Also, both alliance systems had
for decades been fighting colonial wars in which their losses were
relatively small compared with the enormous death and destruction they
created for the peoples of Africa and Asia. They had come to see war
as a relatively cheap and painless way to get what they wanted in
world affairs. With imperialist arrogance, they stumbled into what
became the biggest war in human history up to that point.

Mass murder by a crumbling empire

After an Ottoman attack against Russian forces in Czarist Russian
Georgia ended in a disastrous military defeat in 1915, it became the
trigger for the ultranationalists in power in Istanbul to undertake
the mass murder of the empire’s Armenian population. Propaganda was
unleashed portraying Armenians as subversive agents of Russia. To this
was added traditional stereotypes of Armenians as greedy businessmen
exploiting Turks, as Christians plotting against Islam, as bandits
and criminals.

Legislation confiscating the property of Armenians was passed in
1915. Armenians in the Turkish army were arrested and large numbers
were executed without trial. The Turkish military and "special forces,"
made up of thousands of recently released criminals, were unleashed to
confiscate Armenian property and "resettle" Armenians in death marches,
leaving innocent men, women and children to fight as best they could
for their lives against armed representatives of the Ottoman state.

These events were widely publicized in Britain, France and – thanks
to the activities of Henry Morgenthau Sr., U.S. ambassador to the
Ottoman Empire, and other U.S. officials, who observed and commented
upon the mass murder – the then-neutral U.S., where campaigns were
mounted to help the "starving Armenians."

After World War II, scholars discovered evidence in various German
archives corroborating the existence of this mass murder. (Germany,
which had been an ally of the Ottomans, had no interest in publicizing
this information.) But there was never any doubt that what was
happening in the period 1915-1917 was the attempted mass murder of
a whole nationality as part of Ottoman government policy.

Under the United Nations Charter this constitutes genocide. After the
genocide carried out by Nazi Germany and its fascist allies against all
the Jewish people whom it could capture and kill during World War II,
the genocide carried out by the Ottoman state against all Armenians
whom it could capture and kill within its far-flung empire is the
most researched genocide in history.

This history is important to Americans today because the Bush
administration has acted to block an attempt by the House of
Representatives to join more than 20 other nations in specifically
condemning these events as genocide. After the Democrats regained
control of Congress in 2006, many hoped that this long-delayed
resolution would finally be enacted.

Chauvinism used by Turkish right wing

Mustapha Kemal, an Ottoman general, established the modern Turkish
Republic after World War I, combining an authoritarian nationalist
ideology with various modernizing reforms. He remains the object of a
large personality cult in Turkey, particularly among the business and
military ruling groups who have always used Turkish chauvinist ideology
against their enemies on the left and against their religious rivals.

Turkey, which was neutral during World War II and then became a
member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization because it was an
anti-Soviet and anti-Communist state, has sought to prevent nations
from using the term genocide for the mass murder of the Armenians,
which it has largely denied, minimized and blamed in part on Armenian
wartime subversion.

Over the decades the U.S. and other nations, including, for its own
regional military reasons, the government of Israel, have gone along
with these efforts by Turkey. It was recently revealed that the Turkish
government has employed a lobbying firm led by the disgraced former
Republican House leader Robert Livingston to defeat the Armenian
genocide condemnation. Livingston’s firm has used the $12 million
which it reportedly received from the Turkish government to buy
opposition to the bill, news reports indicate. This, along with Bush
administration propaganda that the House resolution would endanger
U.S. troops in Iraq, has reduced support for the measure.

An unholy alliance

The Bush administration has undermined the separation of church and
state in the U.S. in an unprecedented way and has allied itself
domestically with conservative evangelical Christians. Yet it is
actively seeking to keep the U.S. Congress from condemning the
extermination of a Christian minority carried out on both racist
and religious anti-Christian grounds. In the name of supporting "our
troops," the Bush administration is appeasing a Turkish government
and military whose oppression of the multinational Kurdish minority
in the region, and previous history as an oppressive colonial power,
make it a source for instability in the area. Turkey’s one big
drawing card for the White House, though, is its military power,
which is the only thing that matters for this administration.

If the Bush administration were serious about peace and stability
in the region, it would use its influence to encourage the Turkish
government to deal with its contemporary denial of cultural rights
to its Kurdish and other minorities, not appease it in the hope that
it will continue to act as a regional military henchman, the way the
German Empire in World War I hoped that the Ottomans would act to
advance its war aims.

The Bush administration policy in Iraq is an ongoing, open-ended
disaster which benefits only military contractors and their lobbyists
in the U.S. The soldiers who have been sent to Iraq include many
National Guardsmen often pulled from vital public sector occupations
like police and firefighting. They will not return to the U.S. like
some of their generals, who retire to become rich lobbyists for
military contractors. And they won’t be joining the gravy train of
well-connected Republican members of Congress like Robert Livingston,
who has now become a rich genocide-denying lobbyist for the Turkish

We should contact our House members and senators and demand that they
support the resolution on the Armenian genocide.

In 1939, Hitler said privately to his officers, "Who, after all,
speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

Who does? Civilized people throughout the world.

We must all tell the Bush administration that we do, or the horror
will continue and perhaps a generation from today some other tyrant
will say, to defend another attack on another people, "Who, after all,
speaks today about the annihilation of the Jews?"

Norman Markowitz is a history professor at Rutgers University.

Hovhannisian John:
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