Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter – 10/25/2007

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian

OCTOBER 25, 2007

Archbishop Oshagan departed for Lebanon on Tuesday for the wedding of his
nephew, Antranig, son of his late brother Sarkis. During his visit to
Lebanon he will meet with His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House
of Cilicia.

Bishop Anoushavan will represent Archbishop Oshagan at the Divine Liturgy
officiated by His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, on
Sunday, October 28, at St. Vartan Cathedral, New York City, as well as the
banquet in honor of His Holiness at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.
On Monday, October 29, the Vicar will attend an ecumenical service organized
by the Syrian Orthodox Church in honor of His Holiness Catholicos Karekin

Bishop Anoushavan participated in the two-day meeting of the Board of
Directors of the World Council of Churches (USA) October 24 and 25 in New

Twenty Sunday School teachers will attend the National Conference for
Christian Educators this weekend in Charlton, Massachusetts, sponsored by
the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC). Also attending will be all
of the clergy from the New England area. The theme of the conference is
"Prayer-Personal and Communal," and will feature presentations by Bishop
Anoushavan Tanielian, Rev. Fr. Paul Tarazi, Ph.D., Dn. Shant Kazanjian, and
Dr. Mary Olson.

The new five-part series of Bible studies ("From Jesus’ meals with sinners
to the Lord’s Supper") began on Monday, October 16, and will continue on the
first and third Tuesdays of the month, from 7:15 to 8:45 pm, at the Prelacy.
Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the Armenian Religious Education Council
(AREC) is leading the sessions. For information and registration, send email
to [email protected] or telephone 212-689-7810.

A new series of booklets on contemporary ethical issues will be officially
introduced on Friday, November 16, 7:30 pm at the Prelacy headquarters in
New York. The series of seven booklets will be written by Vigen Guroian,
Professor of Theology at Loyola College in Maryland. Professor Guroian will
be present and will speak about the first of the series, "Homosexuality and
Same Sex Union," which was recently published. Dr. Guroian’s presentation
will be followed by Q&A, discussion and reception.
The various topics-all current issues of morality and ethics-are explored
with an Orthodox perspective. The series is a pioneering effort not only for
the Armenian Church, but for all of Orthodoxy.
For information contact the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC) at
[email protected] or contact the Prelacy office at 212-689-7810.

Last Sunday, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his ordination to
the priesthood, in appreciation of his dedicated service to the Armenian
Church, Rev. Fr. Nerses Manoogian, pastor of St. Gregory the Illuminator
Church in Philadelphia was elevated to Archpriest (Avak Kahana).

His Holiness Aram I paid an official visit to the Italian Catholic church
named "Saint Gregory the Armenian" in Naples, Italy, on October 22.
According to tradition, the skull of St. Gregory the Illuminator is in this
church and therefore the church and the street on which it is located are
named after St. Gregory. In 2001, on the occasion of the 1700th anniversary
of the adoption of Christianity as the official religion in Armenia, Pope
John Paul II presented remnants from St. Gregory to the Catholicates of
Etchmiadzin and Cilicia.
His Holiness said prayers in the church prior to a guided tour of the church
and monastery by the sisterhood of the church. The complex is full of
artistic works depicting events in the life of St. Gregory and the Armenian
nation’s conversion to Christianity. A reception followed.
As reported last week, His Holiness, was in Naples for a conference. During
this period His Holiness met with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan
Williams, the President of the German Evangelical Churches, Bishop Huber;
the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church, the general secretary
of the World Council of Churches; the general secretary of the Lutheran
churches, and a number of senior officials from various denominations and
prominent government officials.

His Holiness Aram I announced that the Vatican remains committed more than
ever to the strengthening of the unity, independence and sovereignty of
Lebanon. The Pontiff made the statement following his lunch with His
Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and meeting with the Vatican’s official
secretary, His Eminence Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

Bible readings for today, October 25, are: Wisdom 3:11-17; Isaiah
51:22-52:3; 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16; John 15:11-18.
I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your
joy may be complete. "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I
have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life
for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not
call you servants’ any longer, because the servant does not know what the
master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to
you everything that I have heard from my Father. You did not choose me but I
chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last,
so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am
giving you these commands so that you may love one another. If the world
hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you." (John 15:11-18)
For listing of the entire week’s Bible readings click

To read the message of His Holiness in Armenian click
To read the message of His Holiness in English click

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has
designated 2007 as the Year of the Armenian Language. In celebration of this
year-long tribute, each week we will offer an interesting tidbit about the
Armenian language and literature:
"Originally, as in many Eastern Churches, worship in the Armenian Church was
said in the words of the bible. Worship was thought to be such a super-human
act that it had to exclude words of purely human invention. The content of
the worship was confined to the Lord’s Prayer, the Psalms, and Scriptural
readings. These remained the basic structural elements in Christian worship
all along the course of the later developments.
"The liturgy of the Armenian Church as outlined and established in the fifth
century was a product of this same liturgical tradition and principle. That
is the reason why even in its present elaborate form the Scriptural parts
are so dominant and rich. Thus, the Old Testament is read on all Sundays
preceding the readings of the Apostles and the Gospel. All the books are
read except Judges, 1 Chronicles, 1 and 2 Esdras, Nehemiah, Tobit, 1 and 3
Maccabees. Apart from the Psalms those which have the largest reading are
the books of Genesis, Exodus, Proverbs, Job, Isaiah, and all the prophets
without exception. The New Testament is entirely read [during the liturgical
year] and the Gospels more than once a year. Holy Week and the fifty days
following Easter are those periods of the liturgical year which are marked
with an intensification of Scriptural readings."
>From a lecture delivered by Vartabed Karekin Sarkissian during a Biblical
Congress in Jerusalem in May 1962.

This Sunday, October 28, the Armenian Church commemorates the Discovery of
the Cross (Giut Khatch). Empress Helena, mother of Constantine, was a devout
Christian. While in Jerusalem she wanted to find the True Cross. She went to
Golgotha (Calvary), which had become an obscure and neglected place. The
Empress ordered excavation of the site, and three wooden crosses were found.
In order to identify the True Cross, the three crosses were successively
placed on the body of a youth who had just died. When one of the crosses was
placed on him, the young man came to life. This cross was the True Cross.
The commemoration of this event takes place on the Sunday closest to October
Christ’s exact burial site was also located and the Church of the Holy
Sepulcher was built on that spot in 335. The church was destroyed by fire in
614 when the Persians invaded Jerusalem, and subsequently rebuilt. The
current dome dates back to 1870. Three denominations (Armenian Orthodox,
Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic) administer and maintain the church and
surrounding grounds (unfortunately, not always harmoniously). Agreements
regulate times and places of worship for each denomination. Ironically, a
neutral Muslim family has been the custodian of the keys for centuries. The
Church, within the walled Old City of Jerusalem, is revered and continues to
be a popular destination for pilgrims.

The recent events-the controversy with the ADL and its No Place for Hate
program, and the House of Representative’s Resolution on the Armenian
genocide-has generated an enormous amount of publicity. It has truly been a
treasure trove for Armenians.
In a recent interview Paul Rusesabagina, a Rwandan genocide survivor, had
this to say when asked his opinion of the House Resolution on the Armenian
Genocide: "We have to call each and anything by its name. A genocide has
been defined by the Geneva Resolution of 1952. Anyone who commits a genocide
is committing a genocide, and we should have the courage to call a genocide
by its name. So I admire the U.S. government to have taken that decision but
I would be happier if the U.S. administration goes farther than that. After
calling it a genocide we should put our words into actions. We always tend
to speak much and do very little."
Incidentally the story of Paul Rusesabagina is told in the movie Hotel
Rwanda. If you missed it, we suggest you get the DVD and watch an
exceptional and riveting movie based on true events.

The latest issue of Outreach (October 2007) is in the mail. If you would
like to read it on line click

A reminder that Crossroads is transmitted every week (usually Thursday
afternoon). Occasionally we receive complaints about the timely arrival of
Crossroads. Please make sure that you put the Prelacy’s email address
([email protected]) in your address book so that your computer does
not identify it as "spam" and delete it.

We also remind you that you can read current and past issues on the Prelacy’s
web site ().


September 27 to November 29-Christian Education classes at Sourp Khatch
Church in Bethesda, Maryland, 8 pm in the church sanctuary. Topic: The
Badarak. Classes held second and fourth Thursdays of each month, except
Thanksgiving week when classes will take place Friday. Armenian and English.
Prior attendance is not a requisite. For information: 301-229-8742.

October 16 to December 18-"From Jesus’ meals with sinners to the Lord’s
Supper," a five part Bible study at the Armenian Prelacy will begin on
October 16 and continue on the first and third Tuesday of the month, from
7:15 to 8:45 pm. Conducted by Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the Armenian
Religious Education Council (AREC). For information and registration, please
send e-mail to [email protected] or call 212-689-4481.

October 18, 19, 20-Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, Annual Food
Festival and Bazaar.

October 19 & 20-Annual fall fair/bazaar, St. Gregory Church of Merrimack
Valley, North Andover, Massachusetts, in newly renovated Jaffarian Hall.

October 21-St. Gregory the Illuminator Church, Philadelphia, celebrating the
20th anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Fr. Nerses Manoogian, under the
auspices of the Prelate, Archbishop Oshagan. For information
or 215-482-9200.

October 26-28-National Conference for Christian Educators, a conference for
Sunday School teachers at the Holy Virgin Mary Spiritual Vineyard, a Coptic
Orthodox Retreat Center, in Charlton, Massachusetts. Theme: "Prayer-Personal
and Communal." Presentations by Rev. Fr. Paul Tarazi, Bishop Anoushavan
Tanielian, Dn. Shant Kazanjian, and Dr. Mary Olson. For more information

Oc tober 28-St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York, presents The Way We Were
group in their new musical "Hello Ellis Island!’ by Hourig
Papazian-Sahagian. Immediately after Sunday services. Refreshments served.
For information 718-224-2275.

November 2-3-Golden Jubilee Annual Bazaar, St. Stephen Church, Watertown,

November 2-3-4-Sts. Vartanantz Annual Bazaar and Food Festival, 461 Bergen
Boulevard, Ridgefield, New Jersey. For information 201-943-2950.

November 7-Soorp Khatch (Bethesda, Maryland) Senior Citizens second reunion
and Thanksgiving luncheon.

November 11-37th anniversary of St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley and
ordination of Nishan Dagley to the office of acolyte and stole bearer.
Presided over by His Grace Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the

November 11-St. Stephen Church, Watertown, Massachussetts, 50th anniversary
commemorative concert, 4 pm., church hall.

November 10-11-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island, annual
"Armenian Fest," at Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet, Cranston, Rhode Island. For
information 401-831-6399.

November 11-Greater Worcester Armenian Chorale and Armenian Children’s
Chorus, 7th annual gala concert and dinner, Armenian Church of Our Saviour
Cultural Center. Advance tickets only. Barbara Baljian, 508-799-6972.

November 16-Introduction to the new series of booklets on Contemporary
Ethical Issues: An Armenian Orthodox Perspective, by Vigen Guroian.
Professor Guroian will speak about the series and the first booklet newly
published, "Homosexuality & Same-Sex Union." 7:30 pm at the Prelacy office
in New York City. For information [email protected] or 212-689-7810.

November 16 & 17-Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Worcester, Massachusetts,
Annual Bazaar. All are welcome. For information 508-852-2414.

November 17-Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, 43rd Anniversary

November 18-Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, Divine Liturgy
celebrated by the Prelate Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan.

November 18-Thanksgiving luncheon, Ladies Guild of St. Illuminator’s
Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, following the Divine Liturgy
at the Cathedral’s John Pashalian Hall. For information 212- 689-5880.

December 1-Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, annual
church bazaar. For information or 508-234-3677.

December 2-Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the ordination of Rev.
Archpriest Arshag Daghlian, sponsored by the Religious Council of the
Eastern Prelacy and the Pastor and Board of Trustees of St. Stephen’s
Armenian Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 5 p.m. For information

December 9-St. Stephen’s Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 50th anniversary
dinner dance, Marriott Hotel, Burlington. For information, (617) 924-7562.

December 9-Family Christmas Concert sponsored by St. Illuminator’s
Cathedral, featuring Maggie Tune (from California) and Gaghant Baba, 4:30
pm, at IS5 High School, 50-40 Jacobus Street, Elmhurst, New York. For
information contact cathedral office, 212-689-5880.

December 23-St. Stephen’s Day Celebration, Watertown, Massachusetts. The
Golden Jubilee celebration will come to a close with a commemoration of the
church’s patron saint, the first deacon and martyr, St. Stephen.

December 31-New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance, Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield,
New Jersey, and ARF Dro Gomideh, The Sheraton Meadowlands, E. Rutherford,
New Jersey. For information 201-943-2950.

June 27 to July 6-St. Gregory of Datev Institute, Summer Christian Studies
Program for youth ages 13-18 at St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson,
Pennsylvania, organized by the Armenian Religious Education Council. For
more information click
