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Haigazian U. celebrates the 10th Anniversary of its Cultural Hour

Haigazian University
From: Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director
Mexique Street, Kantari, Beirut
P.O.Box. 11-1748
Riad El Solh 1107 2090
Tel: 01-353010/1/2

Haigazian University celebrates the 10th Anniversary of its Cultural Hour

Beirut, October 26, 2007- On October 25, 2007, Haigazian University
marked the 10th Anniversary of its Cultural Hour, with an illustrated
lectured entitled "the Ancient Glory of Yerevan- Erepouni", presented by
Dr. Arda Ekmekji, Dean of the University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

The ceremony opened with the welcoming words of the University’s Public
Relations Director, Mira Yardemian. "The regularly organized cultural
activities once a month, over a span of 10 years, reached out to all the
Lebanese and foreign public, thus turning Haigazian University into a
prominent cultural centre, highly regarded in local and foreign
communities", Yardemian said.

Then, Dr. Ekmekji introduced to the audience the ancient capital of
Armenia, Yerevan, concentrating on its early chapter in history, in the
8th century B.C. "The city of Erepouni was a big military and
administrative Urartian city that included a royal palace, two temples,
a throne room, private quarters, storage cellars and servants sections",
Ekmekji noted.

The audience was amazed looking at the beautifully ornamented walls
covered with paintings dating to the 7th century B.C., featuring the
major divinities of the city.

Ekmekji also pointed out that the city of Erepouni survived throughout
the centuries and developed into many names, such as Irvouni, Irpuni and
finally modern Yerevan.

President Paul Haidostian expressed his gratitude in a word of
appreciation, considering Dr. Ekmekji as the main instrumental force in
launching the Cultural Hour @ Haigazian University, its director, and
administrator. Ekmekji received from President Haidostian a trophy in
grateful recognition of her leadership in promoting culture and

For 10 years loyal photographer of the Cultural Hour, Zaven Vartan was
also honored with a bouquet of flowers.

The event concluded with cutting the celebratory cake of the occasion.

Harutyunian Christine:
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