Vardan Oskanian Is Convinced That Recognition Of Armenian Genocide B


Noyan Tapan
Oct 25, 2007

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 25, NOYAN TAPAN. The recognition of the Armenian
Genocide by U.S. Congress is inevitable. RA Foreign Minister Vardan
Oskanian gave assurance at the October 25 press conference. Attaching
importance to the adoption of Resolution 106 by the Committee on
Foreign Affairs of U.S.

Congress, the Minister expressed the hope that it will be discussed
at the plenary sitting of House of Representatives.

"They say that it is not time yet, but I am just convinced that
the moment will come and the Congress will recognize the resolution
on Armenian Genocide," V. Oskanian said. According to the Minister,
judging by the responses in the U.S., "in case of a correct moment from
American point of view, this resolution will be unanimously adopted."

V. Oskanian considered as positive the circumstance that even the
American Congressmen, who are against the resolution’s adoption,
consider the issue only from point of view of security and do not deny
the historic fact of the Genocide. "We overcame that approach of denial
and the Turkish party has an occasion for anxiety," the Minister said.

V. Oskanian also touched upon his meeting with the Turkish Foreign
Minister held lately. According to him, the Armenian party does not
consider that meeting as part of the process aimed at establishment
of bilateral relations, as today there is no such process between
Armenia and Turkey and such meetings will be held only if necessary.