Categories: News

How The Owner Of Gala Politicizes The Issue


Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 25 2007

In our yesterday’s issue we touched upon the so-called pressures on
the owner of GALA (independent information channel of Gyumry) Vahan
Khachatryan. We also promised to clarify what problems he had with tax
agencies that he decided to protect the right of Gyumry inhabitants,
to information.

Yesterday we got Vahram Barseghyan’s responses regarding these
questions, from the Public Relations Department of the State Tax

"Mr. Barseghyan, information was spread yesterday according to which
the employees of State Tax Service visited GALA TV Company Gyumry and
threatened to conduct check-ups there. And this has been introduced
as a pressure on the TV Company, by the authorities. What happened
in reality?"

"I’m familiar with those publications. I must underscore that here
we deal with a phenomenon that is practically very frequent in the
activity of our Tax Agencies, when they make attempts to shift the
tax problems of a company or a businessman to a political domain.

Now, about the case. In reality, for a long period of time the
employees of the State Tax Service have been conducting planned
check-ups in "Chap" LTD, which is the founder of GALA TV Company. The
latter, by the way, besides television activity is engaged in other
entrepreneurial activities as well and unfortunately far not honest.

We clarified due to those check-ups that beginning from 2002 "Chap"
LTD has been illegally enganaged in the unlicensed production of
"Bengalese lights", which according to RA legislation is an activity
subject to licensing.

Moreover during its activity the company has evaded taxes, something
that is criminally punishable. There are many other transgressions
connected with the activity of the same company, about which we will
tell you after the further check-ups.

As for the activity of the TV Company, I must underscore that even
before those check-ups, it came clear due to the check-ups of other
organizations that GALA TV Company has provided different types
of services to these companies without signing any agreement, thus
evading taxes.

Hence it is evident that we deal with a real transgression that has
nothing to do with politics.

"But why did the State Tax Service decide to conduct check-ups in
the TV Company?"

"As I already mentioned, the check-ups in "Chap" LTD, which is the
founder of GALA TV Company, are planned. There have been no check-ups
in the company from the day it was established (from 2000).

As for the motivation of the decision – TVs are also considered
taxpayers and they don’t have any privileges. By the way this year
we are planning to conduct check-ups in another four TV Companies.

P.S. By the way, information agency "Novosty" reported yesterday
that an explosion has occurred in the factory of "Bengalese lights"
in China, due to which 16 people died and 15 are injured.

The agency also underscored that it is not the first case, as similar
factories in China usually don’t follow safety rules and work without

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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