"Ter Petrosyan Preferred To Buy Weapon"


[06:51 pm] 25 October, 2007

Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s critics accuse him of "dark" and "cold" years.

"War has its rules and dictates its conditions.

Armenia had more than 500 thousand homeless people saved during the
earthquake, more than 500 thousand Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan
and was facing the war,- said the head of the "Republican" party Aram
Sargsyan to "A1+",- the heads of the country had to decide what to
spend the money on – on weapon, heating, light or delicious food. Our
authorities preferred to buy weapon, while Azerbaijan proffered to
buy electricity and to brighten Baku.

In the result, we liberated 15 thousand square meter territory to
safeguard the independence of Karabakh.

We kept both Karabakh and its independence. Was it worth living in
poverty? I am sure it was worth it. If we did as Azerbaijan did,
who would swim in the Lake Sevan today?"

Aram Sargsyan ensures that Ter-Petrosyan’s "activities were aimed at
future. Another problem is that the society does not assume it".

Levon Ter-Petrosyan left his post in 1998 since his version on the
settlement of Karabakh conflict did not satisfy the society. Those
who came to power after Ter-Petrosyan accused him of giving back
Karabakh and liberated territories. In his speech on 21 September,
Levon Ter-Petrosyan mentioned that he did not have his version of
Karabakh conflict settlement at the moment and the authorities us
this announcement in their interest.

"Levon Ter-Petrosyan gave time to the authorities to carry out their
promises by his silence for 8 years.

If they did not brought the country to this situation, believe me,
Ter-Petrosyan would not return, – said Aram Sargsyan,- he simply said
what the Former US President Bill Clinton, the former president of
France Zhak Shirak and Former Russian president Boris Yeltsin thought
of the Karabakh problem, and imagined clearly how we could reach
peace and final resolution of the conflict in this context. Today
Ter-Petrosyan does not know what Bush, Sarkozy and Putin think of the
Karabakh problem. Unfortunately, today’s authorities also do not know
what the mentioned presidents think of the Karabakh problem. They do
not know since they are not reliable. No one trusts our authorities".

Aram Sargsyan is confirmed that we will hear the answers to the
problems that trouble us from Levon Ter-Petrosyan during the gathering
tomorrow at 17.00 in the Liberty Square.