"What Turkey Does Is Not Correct"


[05:34 pm] 25 October, 2007

"We will not avoid the meeting with Turkish officials – the Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Turkey and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs",
announced Vardan Oskanyan in Yerevan after the meeting with newly
appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ali Babajan in New
York. He ensured that foreign policy of Turkey had not altered. "We
will have meetings on the level of foreign ministers, but it will
not be the part of the process, they will be "monotonous" meetings
coming out of necessity", said Mr Oskanyan.

The RA Minister of Foreign Affairs reflected on the Armenian Genocide
Resolution, H.Res.106.

Vardan Oskanyan does not exclude that H.Res.106 may not be included
in Congress’ agenda and considers that it is the problem of American

"We may not agree with it, but that is their decision.

I am convinced that the U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide is
inevitable. The time will come when the US Congress will recognizes
it", said the Minister. He underlined the fact that no one rejected
the fact of Genocide during the discussions of the Resolution. "The
fact of the Genocide is not rejected; they simply said that it is
not the right time. This tendency convinces that the US will adopt
the Resolution when the right time comes".

The Minister pointed out that even those who supported Turkey did
not reject the Genocide fact. However, today is not the proper time
for its recognition taking into consideration the military actions in
Iraq. "Indeed, the fact that the tendency of rejection is overcome, and
when the right time comes, we will not have problems in the recognition
of the Genocide by the US. Turkey has serious problems to consider.

What we have accomplished today is a serious progress in this regard
and a vital step to reach justice". As to the incursion of Turkish
troops into Northern Iraq, Vardan Oskanyan expressed hope that the
tensed situation would not reflect on Armenia.

"Armenia is concerned by the fact, that a state may cross the frontiers
of another state without taking account any legal or international
norm. The situation is really troubling in this regard", said Oskanyan.

According to Mr Oskanyan, the current situation in the region is
complicated and unstable. "We do not need any other occurrences that
may frustrate the stability. We are confirmed, just as the US and
other countries, that Turkey is not doing right things. The problem
should be solved through discussions and negotiations", considers
the RA Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Vardan Oskanyan also reflected on the official visit of Iran’s
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Yerevan and his early return. Mr
Oskanyan advised not to pay attention to the early return of the
president but to the content of his visit. "All problems were discussed
and there is not problem in Armenian-Iranian relations". Vardan
Oskanyan doubted to comment why the Armenian part said that Iran’s
President left earlier than was foreseen, while Ahmadinejad said in
the airport of Tehran that he left even later than they planned.

The Minister talked about friendly relations between Armenia and
Iran. "Soon you will see the completion of the programs implemented
within the frameworks of Armenian-Iranian relations. You will also
see the launch of new programs, which are being discussed currently",
said Oskanyan.