Armenia FM sure US Congress will ultimately pass genocide resolution

Russia & CIS General Newswire
October 25, 2007 Thursday 8:24 PM MSK

Armenian minister sure U.S. Congress will ultimately pass genocide

The United States will inevitably recognize the genocide of Armenians
in 1915-1917, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian has said he

"It will happen sooner or later. The thing is that the USA can choose
the time. Today it believes the time has not come, but this is merely
the opinion of the State Department and the Bush administration,"
Oskanian said at a Thursday news conference in Yerevan.

Turkey will have reasons for concern if the House of Representatives
approves resolution #106 on the genocide of Armenians, he said.

"Since October 10 when the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
approved the resolution, I did not come across the opinion in the

or world press that there had been no genocide. Even the pro-Turkish
politicians we know are not saying that. They are only saying that
this is the wrong time to pass it. From this viewpoint the debate on
resolution #106 played a positive role," Oskanian said.

Congressman Adam Schiff submitted the resolution on January 30 and
the House Committee on Foreign Affairs approved it by 27 votes
against 21 on October 10.

U.S. President George W. Bush and the State Department insist on
declining the resolution.