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LTP’s October theses

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 27 2007


The 1.5-hour’s lecture-speech delivered by Levon Ter-Petrosyan on
October 26 in Azatutyun Square was outwardly the summery of the
famous regular accusations of the radical pro-opposition powers in
the address of the government in power.
But the academic style and the habit of long reasoning have always
been characteristic to the former President, who has already
nominated his candidacy for presidency during the previous elections.
But in his yesterday’s lecture-speech all this was mixed with brand
new revolutionary emphases. And no doubt those were the real
motivations of L. Ter-Petrosyan’s speech delivered yesterday. All the
other assessments linked with the country’s political system,
economy, social relations and Karabakh issue were old stories.
In reality by thoroughly summarizing the statements made by the
opposition, Levon Ter-Petrosyan has set a task to evaluate them on
the new plane, as he called, `on the prism of the `symbol of the day’
– `October 27′ tragedy’.
Here Levon Ter-Petrosyan revealed his actual goal – that is to
give political assessments to the accomplished legal process,
directing them against the authorities, in order to impose a certain
behavior upon them in future. That is – to resign without resistance
and not to hinder Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s nomination solemnly announced
during yesterday’s meeting.
To bring similar political goal to life Ter-Petrosyan has built
the part of his speech devoted to `October 27′ in such a way that on
the one hand he could intensify the baseless suspicions addressed to
the government in power but on the other hand to keep his evaluations
on the political and legal borderline, not to appear in the role of a
Thus, by means of similar flexible assessments given to `October
27′ trial, in essence Levon Ter-Petrosyan tried to impose his
personal scenario of the forthcoming elections upon the government in
By starting his presidential campaign Levon Ter-Petrosyan is well
aware that in the existing ratio of forces he doesn’t have any real
chances to win the 2008 presidential elections. Consequently it is
necessary to dissolve the existing pro-government system by means of
blackmail, before the elections. And in case of failure anyway the
aureole of the persecuted and the claimant of `October 27′ are
guaranteed for him.
Or they can make people completely forget about all that happened
during Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s power and explain his personal failure
by the firmness of the `criminal regime’.
To accomplish the adopted policy Ter-Petrosyan promised to create
a black list where he will include the names of some policeman who
are `disobedient’ to him, representatives of local self governmental
bodies, etc. Here instead of political blackmail we deal with the
threatening directed to the state apparatus, which tend to
disorganize their activity. By declaring some names Ter-Petrosyan
tried to `inspire’ the idea of his unavoidable return to some high
and low ranking officials.
Moreover former representative of power Levon Ter-Petrosyan acted
as a person who is on a higher position than the President and other
high-ranking officials, as a `papa’ who is waging his finger on his
children and threatening to punish them if they disobey him.
This testifies to the fact that Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s yesterday’s
speech was aimed at dissolving the existing political and economic
system and especially the government system.
But in general it is Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s October theses that was
hidden under the veil of the before mentioned boring lecture, many
times repeated.


Khondkarian Raffi:
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