PM Serge Sargsyan met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy

PM Serge Sargsyan met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy
27.10.2007 12:55

RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan completed his official visit to
France. October 26 the Prime Minister had a meeting with the President
of France Nicolas Sarkozy.

The interlocutors discussed a broad framework of issues concerning the
bilateral political, economic and cultural relations. PM Serge Sargsyan
reconfirmed the invitation of the Armenian side to the French President
to visit out country. President Sarkozy accepted the invitation with
gratitude and willingness. The parties spoke about establishing a
French Culture House in Yerevan and an Armenian Culture House in Paris
for the purpose of further expanding bilateral cooperation.

Serge Sargsyan and Nicolas Sarkozy expressed the wish to intensify the
Armenian-French cooperation in the military sphere as well. Reference
was made to the opportunity of French Companies’ involvement in the
programs of atomic energy development in Armenia. The parties
underlined the necessity of bringing the economic relations close to
the level of political ties.

The Armenian Prime Minister and the French President also turned to the
possible ways of simplification of the visa regime between the two

Referring to the issue of settlemnet of the Karabakh conflict, the
interlocutors stressed that the conflict may be solved only via
negotiations. Noting that France is one of the OSCE Minsk Group
Co-Chair countries, Mr. Sarkozy added he will present his stance on the
issue to the Azerbaijani President, who is scheduled to visit France in

At the end of the meeting the parties again underlined the high level
of the current relations between Armenia and France and stressed the
necessity of their further development.

October 26 Serge Sargsyan met with Charles Aznavour, gave an interview
to the French `Le Figaro’ daily and `Politik Inernassional’ periodical
and met with Armenian students of France.