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Sarkozy to convince Baku of necessity of NK peaceful resolution


Sarkozy intends to convince Baku of necessity of Karabakh conflict
peaceful resolution
27.10.2007 12:45 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ October 26, Armenian Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan
met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy to discuss bilateral
political, economic and cultural cooperation. The RA Prime Minister’s
invitation to Armenia was accepted by the French President willingly.

In the context of cementing bilateral relations, the parties noted the
importance of establishment of Paris House in Yerevan and Yerevan
House in Paris.

They also discussed military cooperation and France’s contribution to
the development of Armenian atomic energy. Serge Sargsyan and Nicolas
Sarkozy said the economic relations should reach the level of
political relations between Armenia and France.

As to education and culture, they spoke of necessity to enhance the
prestige of the French University in Armenia.

Possibility of visa regime simplification was also discussed.

When referring to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, the
parties emphasized that the problem should be resolved exclusively via

France, as a Co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, will bring this
standpoint to the notion of Azerbaijan during Ilham Aliyev’s visit to
France in November, said Mr Sarkozy.

Completing the meeting, Serge Sargsyan and Nicolas Sarkozy underscored
that the high-level relationship between Armenia and France should
develop, the RA government’s press office reported.

Talalian Arpi:
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