Ministers Of Education Of CIS Member Countries Pleased With Results


Noyan Tapan
Oct 29 2007

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 29, NOYAN TAPAN. The regular 13th conference of
the Ministers of Education of the eight CIS member countries, where
the development programs of the management system of the quality
of education of the member countries, problems connected with the
activities of the branches of the higher educational institutions of
the member countries, as well as the issue on mutual recognition and
adoption of diplomas were discussed, was held in Yerevan on October
26. In addition to this, the Ministers referred to the decision of the
12th conference on founding an International Institute of Languages
with the participation of member countries on the basis of the Moscow
State Linguistic University.

At the end of the conference the participants passed two important
resolutions on cooperation in the direction of developing the
management system of the quality of education in member countries
and of checking the activities of the higher educational institutions
operating in the CIS member countries.

The participants of the 13th conference met with the representatives
of the Armenian media on the same day.

The Ministers of Education of the CIS member countries agreed that the
conference passed in a business atmosphere and the results are obvious.

The answers of the MInisters to the question concerning the existence
of corruption in the CIS member countries and its reduction were
almost the same. All the Ministers expressed the idea that the
existence of corruption is inevitable, that it endangers the quality
of education, and that law enforcement bodies cannot contribute to
its abolition. According to them, the only means and way to struggle
against corruption is to provide a high quality of education, to have
qualified professorial staff and train qualified specialists.

According to Alexander Radkov, the Minister of Education of Belarus,
when saying corruption one should not understand only taking
bribes. Corruption has two "faces": the person, who gives bribes also
takes part in corruption.

Mr. Radkov expressed conviction that corrution is born abd prospers
where there is no order. The Minister of Belarus believes that they
should struggle against that evil through a change in the system.

The next 14th conference of the Ministers of Education of the CIS
member countries will be held in May-June, 2008 in Bishkek.