Debate Is Good For Our System


Tracy Press, CA
Oct 30 2007

A commentary by Lee H. Hamilton, a former Indiana congressman

We certainly have a quarrelsome Congress. In recent weeks, its
members have been arguing about funding children’s health insurance,
whether to assert that the Turks committed World War I-era genocide
against the Armenians and what sort of energy policy should guide the
nation. Then there’s the ongoing issue of the Iraq war, the constant
debate over how to fix our health care system and any number of other
dustups and outright policy brawls that seem to take place every time
you look in on a committee room or chamber on Capitol Hill.

A lot of people don’t like this. Pretty much every time I address
an audience, someone complains, "I’m sick and tired of all the
bickering. Those guys are always fighting." And everyone around
will nod.

Most people are uncomfortable with disagreement and debate. As
individuals, this is fine; but as citizens, I would argue that we
should not only get used to it, we should be pleased by it. It has been
a constant in American politics, and let us hope it always will be.

Extensive debate is written into the very structure of our
congressional system. At every level, from subcommittees through
committees to the floor of each chamber and then to the conference
committees that bring members from each house of Congress together,
there is the presumption of discussion, debate, disagreement and even
argument. Our founders understood the importance of conflict in the
system, as a way for all views to be represented and as a process
for building common ground among them.

For the fundamental fact of our democracy is that Americans, despite
all that unites us, nonetheless have much that divides us: different
philosophies, different prospects in life, different backgrounds,
different communities, different ways to define what is in our
self-interest, what is in our community’s interest and what is in
our nation’s best interest.

It’s true that these divisions can be exacerbated by special interests,
the media and politicians all seeking to exploit them to their own
ends, but that doesn’t mean the initial differences don’t exist. They
do. And it is Congress’s job to sort through them as it strives to
find the majorities it needs to move forward on legislation. If there
weren’t conflict, Congress wouldn’t be doing its job.

There are certainly times when the conflict built into our system
gets out of hand, and the people involved become mean-spirited or
angry. But overall, disputation and debate are not a weakness of our
democracy, they’re a strength. They lead to better, more sustainable
decisions. They help to build majority support for a proposal. And they
are part of how we talk to one another as we search for common ground.

Let me give you an example. Over the years in Washington, there has
been much discussion about whether the nation ought to have a single
director of national intelligence. I was initially quite skeptical
about the value of reorganizing our intelligence community to impose
such a position. Then, however, I served as co-chairman of the 9/11
Commission. We had long, sometimes very pointed debates about how
our intelligence system was working, and by the end I’d come to the
conclusion that the only way to obtain the sharing of intelligence
information our country needs was to centralize authority in a single
directorate. In other words, I changed my mind because of our debates.

The same thing is constantly taking place in Congress. Some issues are
extremely difficult to resolve. They take years of wrangling, arguing
and debate simply for members to find enough common ground so they
can move forward. It helps to look past the often messy process and
judge Congress by the end results. The minimum-wage bill that passed
earlier this year; how best to shape our homeland security system;
how to structure children’s health insurance – all of these have been
subject to heartfelt and sometimes quite contentious disputes over the
years, but in the end, Congress reaches a conclusion and we move on.

Indeed, we are stronger for the sometimes difficult road Congress has
to travel as it searches for solutions to the challenges that confront
us. For a strong debate means that all sides get a chance to be heard
and have their arguments weighed. It means there is less chance that
power will be concentrated to the point of stifling our voices. Keep
in mind that the most efficient and conflict-free political system
is a dictatorship.

So let’s not expect Congress to be free of disagreement and
contention. The better approach is to manage the debate so it is
civil, inclusive, serious and constructive. Yes, Congress sometimes
has trouble managing itself, but that is a far better problem than
if our system allowed for no conflict at all.

Lee Hamilton is director of the Center on Congress at Indiana
University. He was a member of the House of Representatives for
34 years.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS