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FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Will Now Tell All, Name New Names

by Brad Friedman

Huffington Post, NY
Oct 30 2007

to Any Major Television Network That Will Let Her

Will Release the Identity of Two ‘Well-Known’ Congress Members Involved
in Criminal Corruption…and Much More

The ‘Most Gagged Person in U.S. History’ Tells The BRAD BLOG She’s
Now Exhausted All Other Channels…

Attention CBS 60 Minutes: we’ve got a huge scoop for you. If you
want it.

Remember the exclusive story you aired on Sibel Edmonds, originally on
October 27th, 2002, when she was not allowed to tell you everything
that she heard while serving as an FBI translator after 9/11 because
she was gagged by the rarely-invoked "States Secret Privilege"? Well,
she’s still gagged. In fact, as the ACLU first described her,
she’s "the most gagged person in the history of the United States
of America."

But if you’ll sit down and talk with her for an unedited interview,
she has now told The BRAD BLOG during an exclusive interview, she
will now tell you everything she knows.

Everything she hasn’t been allowed to tell since 2002, about
the criminal penetration of the FBI where she worked, and at the
Departments of State and Defense; everything she heard concerning
the corruption and illegal activities of several well-known members
of Congress; everything she’s aware of concerning information omitted
and/or covered up in relation to 9/11. All of the information gleaned
from her time listening to and translating wire-taps made prior to
9/11 at the FBI.

Here’s a handy bullet-point list, as we ran it in March of 2006,
for reference, of what she’s now willing to tell you about.

"People say, ‘why doesn’t she just come forward and spill the beans?’
I have gone all the way to the Supreme Court and was shut down, I
went to Congress and now consider that shut down," she told The BRAD
BLOG last week when we spoke with her for comments in relation to our
story on former House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s original attempt to
move a resolution through the U.S. House in 2000 declaring the 1915
massacre of 1.5 million ethnic Armenians in Turkey as "genocide."

"Here’s my promise to the American Public: If anyone of the major
networks — ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX — promise to air the
entire segment, without editing, I promise to tell them everything
that I know," about everything mentioned above, she told us.

"I can tell the American public exactly what it is, and what it is that
they are covering up," she continued. "I’m not compromising ongoing
investigations," Edmonds explained, because "they’ve all been shut
down since." …


Toneyan Mark:
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