No Grounds


Hayots Ashkharh Daily
Oct 30 2007

On October 27, Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan had a meeting with
the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs who arrived in Yerevan from Baku.

As reported by the MFA Spokesman Vardan Oskanyan, there are
particularly no grounds to speak about recording a progress. This was
a regular meeting, and the Co-Chairs are trying their best to bring
the parties’ attitudes closer with regard to the issues that have not
been agreed upon so far. According to V. Karapetyan, the process is
under way, and the Co-Chairs will again pay a visit to the region in
the near future.

As regards the statement which the American Co-Chair Matthew Bryza
allegedly made in Baku, saying that, "The Armenian and Azerbaijani
leaders will probably sign a framework agreement till next spring,"
V. Karapetyan mentioned that the Co-Chair himself has refuted the
information disseminated by the Azerbaijani media, considering it
the result of a wrong translation.