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To Act Systematic And Purposeful


Azat Artsakh Tert
Oct 31 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

Today a session of the NKR Government took place by the head of the
Prime Minister A.Haroutyunian. Before passing on the questions of
agenda, the Prime Minister announced, that henceforth the Government’s
session would be open and transparent. At the session, according to
the agenda, the Government made a number of changes and additions
in the decision adopted formely, a part of which Minister of the NKR
Economical development represented. The changes particularly refered
to the systems of gas supply, communication, water supply.A list
of viewpoints of the activity realized by the national operator of
postal communication is established at the session. Minister of Finance
S.Tevossian represented the NKR bill to the Government’s establishment
"About washing money and struggle against financing". According to
him, that bill corresponded to the international standards and drafted
by RA Central Bank. At the same time he pointed that the Government
had represented such bill to the NKR NA in time, but it hadn’t been
discussed. The Government decided to approve that bill and represent
it to the Parliament’s discussion.

By representation of Minister of Justice A.Mossian, the Government
approved the NKR bill "About Audit Chamber", which should be
sent to the discussion of the NKR NA. The Government passed a
resolution about creating closed joint-stock company on the basis
of "Azat Artsakh" official gazette. Regulations of "Azat Artsakh"
closed joint-stock company are established and Murad Petrossian was
appointed executive director of the company. Summerizing the session,
the Prime Minister gave assignments members of the Government and
leaders of separate departments and instructed to act systematic and
purposeful. (Administration of relations with the NKR Government’s
information and community).

Boshkezenian Garik:
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