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Armenian Genocide Topic In Class


Advertiser-News, NJ
Nov 1 2007

VERNON -Vernon teacher Phil Tintle presented Sam Azadian with a plaque
in appreciation of his commitment to telling the story of the 1915
Armenian Genocide. Now in his 80s, Azadian has been a regular visitor
to Tintle’s Issues of Conscience class at Vernon Township High School
for several years and always captivates the students with his ability
to make history come to life, albeit sadly. Azadian, co-founder
and chairman of the Times Square Armenian Genocide Commemoration,
grew up with a father, mother and sister who survived and escaped
the 20th century’s first genocide.

In the Spring of 1915, the Turkish government ordered the systematic
deportation of the Armenian people. Village by village and town
by town, men, women and children were taken away and murdered. An
entire nation was destroyed and the Armenian people were effectively
eliminated from their homeland of nearly 3,000 years. The genocide was
from 1915 to 1923. Over one million people died in 1915 alone. To this
day, the Turkish government claims the people were just "casualties
of war," blaming World War I on causing the deaths.

Congress recently tried to pass a resolution condemning the killings
as a genocide, but strong opposition killed the measure, at least
for another year.

Azadian was invited by Tintle to speak to his class, which covers the
topic of genocide throughout history. As a result of his commitment to
his family history and Armenia, Azadian has been named Man of the Year
by both the Knights of Vartan and the Armenian General Athletic Union.


Taslakhchian Andranik:
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