Categories: News

Gibrahayer – Nicosia – 11/02/2007

e-magazine The largest circulating Armenian e-magazine

Circulates every Wednesday
Established in 1999


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Backers of a resolution to formally name the
1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks a genocide said on Thursday
they would postpone efforts to bring it to a vote in the U.S. House of
The sponsors conveyed their decision in a letter to House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi, after support for the controversial resolution support
faltered in the face of vehement protests from NATO ally Turkey.
But the four chief co-sponsors who wrote the letter did not
totally give up on the proposal, which Armenian-Americans have sought
to pass in the House for years but is strongly opposed by the Bush
The sponsors asked Pelosi not to schedule a vote "at this time,"
but said they would continue to work for "consideration sometime later
this year, or in 2008."
The resolution passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee on
October 10 and seemed destined for speedy consideration by the whole
House of Representatives.
Turkey recalled its ambassador in protest and warned of grave
damage to U.S.-Turkish relations and a reduction in military
cooperation, if the House passed it. Turkey provides key logistical
support to U.S. troops in Iraq, with much of the cargo that is flown to
the Americans going through a Turkish air base.
Turkey accepts that many Armenians were killed in World War One,
but denies they were victims of a systematic genocide.
&nbs p; "We believe that a large majority of our colleagues want to
support a resolution recognizing the genocide on the House floor and
that they will do so, provided the timing is more favorable," said the
letter to Pelosi, which her office released.
It was signed by four Democrats who were leading sponsors of the
resolution — Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman and Anna Eshoo of California,
and Frank Pallone of New Jersey.
A Pelosi spokesman said she respected the judgment of the sponsors
on the timing of the vote. She has long advocated passage of such a

(eafjd.org) – The Second Convention of European Armenians ended on the
16th October 2007. During the conference, European Armenians showed
their keen interest in current European policies and issues.
Mr Joseph Daul, the chairman of the EPP group and Mr Franco
Frattini, the Vice-President of the European Commission, inaugurated
the prestigious ceremony. The solemn and deep words of Aram the Ist,
the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, also strongly impressed
the attentive audience.
After the strong speech of Mr Vartan Oskanian, the Minister for
Foreign Affairs in Armenia, emotion dominated the first session
dedicated to `20 years of friendship’ when the pioneers for the
Armenian Cause who acted 20 years ago for the adoption of the 1987
resolution, symbolically honoured those MEP’s who voted for the
historical resolution.
The second session of October 16 was dedicated to defining the
factors of peace and stability in the South Caucacus: the European
Neighbourhood Policy, the Black Sea Synergy, the Karabagh conflict and
the rights of Armenians in Javakhk (Georgia). The speeches of 3 MEPs,
Mrs Oomen-Ruijten, Mr Tannock and Mr Friedrich aroused great debate on
the issue of Turkey’s admission into Europe.

`The attendees appreciated the opportunity to have a real
exchange of ideas with Mrs Oomen-Ruijten, the reporter on Turkey, on
the clear evocation in the proposed resolution of the Turkish
government’s denial of the Armenian genocide. Europeans are expecting
that the resolution reflects the truth on Turkey; the silence on the
issues that embarrass the Turkish leaders has to be broken’ declared
Hilda Tchoboian, the chairperson of the European Armenian Federation.
The 3rd session was dedicated to the growing list of nations
that have recognised the Armenian Genocide. The speakers underlined the
need to develop efficient means to promote recognition in Europe. The
Convention welcomed with enthusiasm the recent recognition of the
genocide by the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.
The Convention ended with the adoption of a final declaration in which
it stressed that the Neighbourhood Policy towards the South Caucasus
throws down `the bases of a European regional strategy which aims to
the economic integration without impediment with Europe’ and that the
Black Sea Synergy should not be `centralised on Turkey, a country
unable to assume a regional leadership in the current conditions’. The
declaration also tackles the Turkish issue by decreeing that `accession
negotiations should be governed by the fair recognition of the Armenian
genocide’ and that Turkey should be obliged to recognise the `Armenian
people’s unalienable rights’.
In conclusion, the declaration reminds us that `the European
Armenians will be out-posted in the fight for Justice, in all the
situations that Europe will have to confront, because they are
convinced that the European Parliament is, primarily, the Conscience of
European peoples’. The declaration, pictures and speeches will be
progressively integrated onto the website A detailed
release on the development and the speeches made during the conference
will soon be published.


The Brussels Journal – From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2007-10-24
– Heavy rioting erupted in Turkish quarters of Brussels, the capital of
Belgium. Buses and trams were attacked. Several cars were torched and
shops destroyed. Police forces were unable to restore law and order in
the boroughs of Sint-Joost-ten-Node and Schaarbeek where since last
Sunday the animosity among Turks is running high. Turkish flags are
omnipresent. In some streets the Turkish crescent and star adorns
almost every house.
The Turks’ anger was provoked by rising tension with Kurds along
the Iraqi-Turkish border and by the debate in the American Congress
about the Turkish genocide of the Armenians in 1915. On Sunday night
Turkish youths in Sint-Joost destroyed the pub of Peter Petrossian, an
ethnic Armenian who had to flee for his life. Apparently, some Turks
think that by attacking the Armenians in Brussels they can convince the
world that the Turks never committed a genocide of the Armenians.
Tonight the youths attacked Kurdish shops. They also set fire to
several cars.

A Quilt Exhibition organised by ‘Hands and Hearts Group’ of ladies
(headed by Mrs Nouritsa Nadjarian) at the Utudjian Hall of The Armenian
Prelature in Nicosia was a great success and managed to raise 1,687
pounds for the Noramark Kindergarten Project

The exhibition was inaugurated by Mrs. Maggie Mahdessian wife of the
Armenian Representative in the Cyprus Parliamenton on Saturday 27 Oct.
at 4 pm.

Images from this innnovative event can be seen by clicking on the image
below or by clicking on

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News in brief
Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad has said that the Iran-Armenia
gas pipeline, which is currently under construction, might be extended
to export gas to Europe. The pipeline was originally designed to
deliver Iranian gas to Armenia, but Iran welcomes the idea of using it
for transiting gas to Europe, Ahmadinezhad said in an interview with
Armenian Public TV.
Meghri-Kapan highway having a length of 80 km was opened on 27th of
October. It will allow for year round automobile communication with our
neighbor Iran. The new road will make it possible for vehicles weighing
up to 80 tons to pass through.
Longtime Armenian leader Levon Ter-Petrosian said that he will run for
president in elections early next year, seeking to return to office a
decade after he was forced out. Ter-Petrosian, who was president of the
former Soviet republic from 1991-1998, announced his candidacy at an
opposition rally that drew more than 10,000 people to a square in
central Yerevan.
The leadership of the National Assembly, members of Government,
Deputies and Staff laid flowers at the memorial to the victims of
October 27, paying tribute to the memory of the victims of the terrible
events at the National Assembly eight years ago.
After serving 8 years in prison for second-degree murder, controversial
pathologist Jack Kevorkian, 79, is now out on parole and talking to HBO
Films for a project about his medical practice. Kevorkian is known for
assisting in over 130 suicides and strongly believes that terminally
ill patients should have the right to die if they so choose.
Kevorkian, nicknamed "Dr. Death", received a 10- to 25-year sentence
after he willingly sent a video tape of him euthanizing a terminally
ill man to CBS’s "60 Minutes" in 1999.

GAROYIAN "F-U Armenian"

The Cyprus Mail Internet edition – A Turkish Internet user hacked into
the website of DIKO’s youth organisation NEDIK and left an obscene
message referring to party leader Marios Karoyan’s Armenian background.
A statement from NEDIK yesterday condemned the cyber attack, which
brought down their site’s chat forum, leaving only the message `Turkish
Hackers: f-k you Armenian’. The hacker’s internet handle was `Turkbey’.
A hacker website lists Turkbey 29th in its top 50 list with 103 hacks
including, it claims, the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation leaving
the message `Hacked by Turkhackteam’, although the organisation’s
website was working as normal yesterday.


If you like to browse, rummage or leaf through a book, the out-of-print
book fair is the place for you.
If you like first editions, interesting signatures, beautifully
designed dustjackets, bookmarks, pictorial calendars, diaries and
then you will need ample time to go through the displays. There will be
books for all interests and for all ages.
There will also be a selection of books in languages other than in
An established bookseller, Vernon Askew, will be present to answer
questions on all aspects of old books, and how to start collecting.
Lellos Book Binder will be present to advise on how to restore your
own books, and orders can be placed for your own book plates.


Rev. Krikor Aghabaoghlou inspired the Armenian community in Cyprus and
challenged them for one week to `press on’ with their struggle to
preserve the Armenian and Christian identities. His real-life message
filled with passion and compassion for Christ and Armenianness was very
inspiring. He touched on ground realities by exposing the situation of
the Armenian community in Istanbul and the remote cities and towns in
Turkey. He portrayed not only the struggle for survival but also the
struggle for truth and justice. His ministry and mission are
undoubtedly exemplary.
Rev. Krikor Aghabaoghlou’s visit to Cyprus lasted from October 7
to14, 2007. He delivered three lectures in the three main cities of
Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol. He was also the guest preacher on
Saturday at the service of the Armenian Evangelical Church in Nicosia.
During his stay, Rev. Krikor Aghabaoghlou visited the Armenian
Prelacy and met with His Eminence Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian,
Primate of Cyprus. He then visited the Armenian member of Parliament in
Cyprus, Mr. Vartkes Mahdessian, who had undertaken Krikor’s visa
formalities to Cyprus.
Rev. Krikor got acquainted with the Armenian community in Cyprus
by visiting the various institutions and organizations. He visited the
Kalayjian Home for the old, met with the elderly in the center and
encouraged them with the Word of God. It was, indeed, an emotional
moment for the old Armenian residents of the center to see a person
coming from historical Armenia.
The special audience with the students of the Nareg Armenian
School in Nicosia was full of excitement. Rev. Krikor encouraged the
students to keep firm in their love for the Armenian language,
commitment for Christ and His Church. He then visited the headquarters
of the Armenian organizations in Nicosia and met with the leadership of
the Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian Young Men’s Association
(Homenetmen), and Nor Serount Cultural Association.
The Armenian radio program of the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation
interviewed Rev. Krikor for 45 minutes, and the interview was broadcast
on Saturday, October 13. Rev. Aghabaoghlou also met with the editors of
the three Armenian publications and e- news in Cyprus: Artzakank, Azad
Tzayn and Gibrahayer.
Rev. Krikor Aghabaoglou is the pastor of the Armenian Evangelical
Church in Gedik Pasha, Bolis. His visit to Cyprus was organized by the
Armenian Evangelical Church in Cyprus.

24 & 25 November, European University`Cyprus, Nicosia

The European University ` Cyprus. The conference will focus on the
Maronite, Armenian and Latin minorities. The following will presnet
papers on the Armenian community of Cyprus. Dr.Sossy Kassparian,
Dr.Vartan Ozinian and Dr. Susan Pattie Chilingirian.

Sports news

The much anticipated football game between newly formed Lippenza and
AYMA/Homenetmen for the second division of the Amateur League was
played at Makarion Stadium auxiliary grounds with Lippenza running out
winners 4-2.
Yanos Kouyoumdjian was defeated in the semis and Edmond Aynedjian in
the quarters of the Development Tennis Championships that took place at
the National Tennis Center on Saturday 27 October.
The World Boxing Rating Championship is being held in Chicago.
Sportsmen, who have taken first eight places, will be awarded the
"Beijing-2008" olympic passes. Among Armenian sportsmen are Azat
Hovhannisian (57kg), Edward Hambardzumian (64kg) and Andranik Hakobian
(75kg) have gained victories in the start, and Hovhannes Danielian
(48kg) was defeated and did not qualify.
Derenik Gijlarian (51kg) will fight on October 25.
Tennis results: Famagusta Open Tennis Championships – Over 35 singles
Finals: Simon Aynedjian – Athos Anthimos, 6-2, 7-5. Paphos Open
Championships – Over 35 singles Finals; Simon Aynedjian – Andreas
Georgiades, 6-0, 6-3
All other results at www dot cyprustennis dot com


g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r & e v e n t s

Wednesday 7 November at 7:30 pm – The Armenian National Committee Of
Cyprus is organising an event where Vartkes Yeghiayan will be talking
about Genocide litigation. Yeghiayian is the lawyer who filed lawsuits
against New York Life Insurance and Axa on behalf of the heirs of
Armenian genocide victims and collected $47.5 million on their behalf.
He is currently pursuing similar lawsuits against Deutch Bank and
Victoria Insurance companies. The event will take place at the Utudjian
Hall of the Armenian Prelature in Nicosia. For further information,
please contact Ashod Taslakian 99316416.
8 November 2007 – 6 January 2008. Tatiana Ferahian, Julia Georgiadou
and Ketta Iouannidou will be representing Cyprus at the 24th Alexandria
Art Biennale for Mediterranean Countries.
Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 November -3rd Moufflon Book Fair at Holiday
Wednesday 21 November at 8:00 pm – Opening of the 12the Painting
Exhibition by Armenian Cypriot artist Garbis Bezdikian at The Municipal
Hall of Ayios Dhometios. The opening will be conducted by The President
of Democratic Party of Cyprus Marios Garoyian. Duration of exhibition
from 21-25 November.
Sunday 2 December at 4:00 pm – Charity Tea at The Hilton Park organised
by The Armenian Relief Society of Cyprus (HOM). Rich cultural program.
Tuesday December 25, at 9:00 pm – AYMA/Homenetmen Annual Ball at The
Cyprus Hilton, featuring Saro Panossian and Shake Baghdasarian.
Accompanied by Seto Baghdasarian and Vahe Simonian.

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From: Baghdasarian

Baghdasarian Karlen:
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