Lack Of Art Institutes To Be Filled

20:04 01/11/2007

Every Friday at the Tamanyan Museum-Institute a discussion period
is organized, in which a film is presented about a certain cultural
monument, museum, or art collection. "We are trying to take care of
the problems that have arisen over the past 10-15 years, such as the
low level of education in art institutes.

The level is unfortunately quite low in institutes such as the Fine Art
Institute and in the art division of the history department of Yerevan
State University," the director of the Tamanyan Museum-Institute and
discussion organizer, Hayk Tamanyan, said to a journalist.

In his words, students at the Fine Art Academy and the YSU art
history department receive good knowledge, yet the method of
presentation is weak. "We fill in our lack of materials with films
and other art brought from Russia, making the material we present
more complete. Every detail of these pictures and films adds to the
knowledge of those studying art," Tamanyan said.

We point out that preliminary words were said by painter Anush
Chubaryan. As we found out, the second session in the discussion series
was called "Eighty wonders of the world," in which participants, by
way of film, were able to visit and get acquainted with the world’s
ancient races, such as the Incas and Mayans, as well as the cultures
of some of the oldest civilizations of the world. We point out that
most of the participants in the discussion and film presentations
are students from the above-mentioned institutes. The discussions
will continue until December 21.