NKR: President Bako Sahakyan’s Interview To The Newspaper


Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Rep.
Nov 2 2007

Which aims and questions are put by the president of the republic
republican newspaper? What newspaper would you like to see it? First
of all I must tell that the newspaper must become one of the basic
links between the population and the authorities. Republican newspaper
must understandably and clearly inform the people about intentions
and actions of the leadership of the republic, and on the contrary,
in the same way, inform the authorities about real stand of the things
among population and society, especially those questions and problems,
which have subjective character and not settled, because highly placed
officials do their duties badly and abuse their posts. How do you
accept an idea, that the heads of the ministries, departments give
an interview to the newspaper of "AA" once a month?

I approve such idea. Moreover, how the newspaper can fully carry out
the mission which it has. I will give an interview to the newspaper
periodically, why other responsible persons will be exclusive in
this case. Mr. President, at any rate, the newspaper is the state
newspaper, so state officials will take criticism in their address on
the pages of the newspaper sickly, so I would like to define both the
meaning of "constructive criticism" and the level of its deepness and
permissibility? Any criticism based on facts and logical argumentation
is not only permissible, but also wishable and generally useful,
for society as well as for the state, that’s for the authorities
which executes state government functions. True authorities even
more than any power else must be interested in such criticism, that’s
in turning out the diseases on the body of the state for which it’s
responsible. Those, who take correct criticism sickly, it means, they
don’t correspond to their posts. 1.Armenian philanthrophy Armenian
charity must not be looked into under the prism of organisation for
collection of money, construction of the roads, buildings and so on,
but as a main instrument in case of assembling, strengthening and long
continuation of the nation. It must be considered as the planting
of the sense of mutual aid between the members of the nation.Hense,
it’s necessary to treat the philanthropy not less attentively, than
the building of the statehood, all the more in our present instable
alarming situation.

The capitains of armenian ship did things exactly on the contrary.

Second sorted, ineffective cadres were brought to the front instead
of the best brains of armenian society. 2.Not once a year, but
once a week Not since old times, the jews have a tradition to
keep at home in a very visible place special charity money-box(
jewish koupat tsdaka).Little coins are put into it before morning
prayer, making long way or on returning home from the long way.When
people want to thank God or ask for help, sacrifice is put into
money-box.Housekeeper throws some coins into it every Friday before
lighting Saturday candles. When money-box is full, its containing is
given for charity aims to the cash-box of comunity. Charity cash-box
managing is one of the most respectable posts.Every comunity is obliged
to have such type office. For long years such behaviour became nearly
instinctive. 3.Masters of philanthropical cases (organisators) When
Max Fisher entered the room, the table around which he sat down, became
the main table.World jewish congress head Israel Singer remembers,-"He
spoke very calmly. The people had to come nearer to him for hearing
what he says". But no other word was passed. Many people strived to
go forward, but Max Fisher did not do it. American presidents and
the secretaries of State wished to talk to him, because he talked
directly with Israeli leaders, and the prime-ministers of Israel always
received him because he had a direct access to the presidents of the
United States. 4.Philanthropy as the justice In all the religions of
the world much attention is payed to the charity. But there is a big
difference between them. For example, jewish name of charity "tsdaka"
bears another meaning, it means "justice". This name emphasizes,
that the man is obliged to help his compatriot. Mutual obligedness
strengthens the group, let it be family, commercial firm, collective
farm, province or a country.