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Congresswoman Harman secretly opposes the Armenian Genocide Bill

Congresswoman Harman secretly opposes the Armenian Genocide Bill

03.11.2007 11:17

Community activist and civic leader Azniv Goenjian recently traveled to
Washington, DC with the Armenian National Committee of America `
Western Region (ANCA-WR) to confront her Congresswoman, Jane Harman
(D-CA-36), for secretly opposing the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.
Res. 106, while publicly presenting herself as a supporter of this
human right legislation.

"Mrs. Goenjian stands out as a principled and devoted citizen who
demonstrated, once again, by traveling across the country to confront
her Congresswoman’s retreat on this core human rights issue, that she
has the courage of her convictions," stated ANCA-WR Executive Director
Andrew Kzirian. `In sharing her profound disappointment with
Congresswoman Harman, she gave voice to the concerns of all Armenian
Americans from the 36th District and served as a role model for other
activists from across America,’ he added.

While a cosponsor of H. Res. 106, Congresswoman Harman sent a private
letter to the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee on October 3,
2007 opposing passage of the resolution, citing strategic concerns that
came to light after she visited Turkey. Only after a flood of local
phone calls from activists who expressed outrage after learning
independently about the Member’s actions did the Congresswoman post the
letter on her website, claiming that she had never intended for her
opposition to be secretive. Upon learning of her Representative’s
actions, Goenjian traveled to Washington, DC as part of the ANCA’s
"Advocacy Days" during the week of October 22, 2007.

Accompanied by ANCA Government Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian, Esq.
and ANCA-WR Executive Director Andrew Kzirian, Esq., Goenjian met with
the Congresswoman. During the meeting, Goenjian expressed serious
concern over the Congresswoman’s opposition to the resolution, noting
that it is always the right time to condemn genocide. Goenjian,
Nahapetian and Kzirian strongly urged the Congresswoman to reconsider
her position and noted that similar resolutions pertaining to the
Jewish Holocaust, the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide, the Cambodian
Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, the Comfort Women under Japanese
oppression and today’s genocide in Darfur had all passed in the House,
despite the fact that many faced opposition from foreign governments.

Goenjian also presented the Congresswoman with her son’s California
public school textbook, which includes substantial material on the
Armenian Genocide.

"By going to Washington for two days of face-to-face meetings with our
elected officials I was able to make a real difference,’ stated
Goenjian. `Each of us can and must do something to raise awareness of
the Armenian Genocide and to press for the adoption of H.Res.106.
Interacting with our Members of Congress ` both at home and in our
nation’s capital ` is our Constitutional right and our moral obligation
to demand that our government live up to America’s highest ideals,’ she

Tvankchian Parkev:
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