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Information Technology to receive 332.3 thousand dollars


22:17 02/11/2007

Information Technology to receive 332.3 thousand dollars

The field of information technologies, which was rated as of utmost
importance by the government, will receive 108 million dram from the
2008 budget, which is around 332.3 thousand dollars. This was revealed
today during budget discussions by trade and economics development
minister Nerses Yeritsyan.

In his words, this would be directed towards social issues, which will
allow to find out the stage and quality of Internet
accessibility. Besides that, the government intends to raise the level
of competition in the field.

The minister reminded that the government would announce a new system
of progress in Internet technology. This includes a program to
stimulate progress in Internet technologies during the next 10-15
years. Events and a plan of action are also part of the program.

Yeritsyan noted that this is the first time the budget has included a
special article about expenses. `We have to know the results of the
beginning of the program and be convinced it is productive. That way
we can plan for bigger and better things in the future,’ he said.

Source: Panorama.am

Dabaghian Diana:
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