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Pres. Contenders not pro-Russian or pro-Western but pro-Armenian


Armenian presidential contenders are not pro-Russian
or pro-Western but pro-Armenian
03.11.2007 14:10 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russia is interested in legal presidential
elections, said Konstantin Zatulin, member of the Russian State Duma
committee on CIS affairs.

`Let the Armenian people themselves decide who will be their next
President. Russia is interested in a staid election process, free of
outrage that could lead to split in the society. We are against any
political destabilization in Armenia,’ he said.

`Serge Sargsyan is a pro-Armenian candidate. The same can be said
about Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Given his vision of the internal policy,
Artur Baghdassaryan seems to orient to the West. But as a matter of
fact, all contenders are pro-Armenia,’ he said, Day.az reports.

Badalian Vardan:
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