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According To Police, Number Of Crimes Connected With Sedative Drugs


Noyan Tapan
Nov 7, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 7, NOYAN TAPAN. During the nine months of 2007 the
police of the Republic of Armenia has revealed 702 cases of illegal
circulation of sedative drugs, 330 people have been submitted to
criminal liability. As of the same period of 2006, the same number
of crimes was revealed, 394 people were submitted to criminal
liability. This information was provided to journalists on November
6 by Nazaret Mnatsakanian, a colonel of the police, the Head of the
RA Police’s Administration of Struggle against Illegal Circulation
of Sedutive Drugs under the Chief Administration of Struggle against
Organized Crime.

149 realization cases of sedative drugs were revealed in the period
under review, which is 36 cases more in comparison with the same
period of the previous year (only the corresponding figures of
the January-September of the previous year are given in brackets
below), 93 (88) people were submitted to criminal liability. 268
cases of illegal circulation of sedutive drugs without the purpose
of realizing were revealed, 202 (296-298) people were submitted to
criminal liability. 278 cases on using sedutive drugs were revealed,
261 people were submitted to criminal liability.

Approximately 35kg (20kg 425g) sedutive drugs were confiscated by
law enforcement bodies, the 3kg out of which was opium, the 2kg
800g out of which was imported from the Islamic Republic of Iran,
160g from Tashkend.

About 90% of the confiscated sedutive drugs made the marijuana of
local origin.

N. Mnatsakanian introduced results of analyses, according to which
every 265th inhabitant of the Russian Federation, 308th inhabitant
of Kazakhstan, the 403th of the Ukraine, 1111st of Belarus, 4455th of
Azerbaijan, and every 6000th inhabitant of Armenia uses sedutive drugs.

During the nine months of 2007 27 cases concerning trafficking
were revealed, and 3 (8) cases were filed on the indications of
recruiting people for the purpose of exploiting them, as well as on
other similar indications.

4 (1) cases were sued on the indications of involving people in
prostitution or other forms of sexual explloitation, obligatory work
or services. 2 (3) criminal cases were filed on the indications of
involving another person in prostitution for mercenary motives. 7
people in pursuit were revealed, 4 victims of traficking were returned
to Armenia.

Torosian Aram:
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