Armenia: First MSF Patient Completes Treatment For MDR-TB


Jun Aoki /MSF
November 6, 2007

Often extensive combinations of medicines are prepared for patients
with drug-resistant forms of TB at a program run by MSF and the
Ministry of Health in Yerevan.

"Needless to say, drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment imposes a
considerable burden on the patient. But also it has been emotionally
challenging and frustrating for our team, as we often felt guilty
that we might be failing in our work. We are now able to respond
honestly to the recurrent question from our patients: ‘Does this
treatment work?’ ‘Has anyone ever been cured with this treatment?’ "
–Robert Parker, MSF Head of Mission in Armenia

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the
Ministry of Health opened Armenia’s first and only treatment program
for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the capital city
Yerevan in September 2005, and the first MSF patient, N.L., has just
completed treatment lasting almost two years.

"At first, I couldn’t imagine the difficulties," says N.L. "I just
wanted to be treated and return home to my family. But it was a long
and slow process."

N.L. had been in and out of TB treatment for nearly 15 years. After
years of failed attempts to comply with a strict and demanding
treatment regimen, his TB bacilli had gradually developed resistance
to medicine. Out of fear that he might infect his wife and son, he
lived apart from them. The fierce stigma associated with TB deterred
him from telling his neighbors about his illness. Meanwhile, his
condition went from bad to worse.

Up until two years ago, there was no medical treatment for such strains
of TB in Armenia due to the complexity of the treatment, which takes
at least two years, including several months of hospitalization. Not
only are second-line drugs expensive, but they often trigger violent
side effects.

Moreover, cure rates are expected to be only 60 to 70 percent, even
with the appropriate treatment.

Still, N.L. was one of the lucky few who were able to start treatment
in October 2005.

A nurse distributes medicines to drug-resistant TB patients at one
of two clinics run by MSF and the Ministry of Health in the city
of Yerevan.

Armenia 2007 © Jun Aoki/MSF Treatment at the special MDR-TB unit
on the outskirts of Yerevan involves taking a combination of up
to 20 pills every day, often accompanied by a painful injection in
the morning. "When I was three months into the hospital treatment,
I began to suffer side effects," says N.L. "Feelings of weakness,
dizziness, nausea, fatigue, mood changes, shortness of breath…. It
was so intolerable that just looking at the drugs was enough to
provoke nausea."

There were nearly 20 more months of treatment ahead, and already
N.L. was in constant agony. His daily struggle started to overshadow
any eventual benefit of treatment.

"N.L.’s main visitor was his son, who helped him a lot to cope with
the sense of isolation at the hospital," says Robert Parker, MSF Head
of Mission in Armenia. "Our team too–social workers, psychologists,
the doctor and nurse–encouraged him on different fronts and wherever

During the initial phase of MDR-TB treatment, hospitalization is
necessary; not only to closely monitor the patient’s response to
treatment, but also to prevent the spread of the disease to others
until the infectious period is over.

N.L. was discharged from the hospital when his sputum smears became
negative after seven months of treatment. He was not yet cured, but
he could now go home and continue ambulatory treatment at a polyclinic
in Yerevan.

"One of the crucial moments in MDR-TB treatment is the transition from
inpatient to ambulatory treatment," says Parker. "The patient is no
longer infectious and goes back home to civilian life. But often,
the pain and suffering of the side effects outweighs the distress
induced by the illness itself."

A room like this at the MSF and Ministry of Health inpatient facility
on the outskirts of Yerevan was N.L.’s home for the first seven
months of his treatment for MDR-TB. Armenia 2007 © Jun Aoki/MSF
N.L. was no exception. He started the ambulatory treatment with
great difficulty. "I was happy to leave the hospital and reunite with
my family.

But on top of the side effects, going to the polyclinic every day
for many more months, throughout the hot summer and harsh winter,
was not easy. I thought I would never be able to get through this."

"At this point, we tried to involve his son in the treatment as
much as possible," says Dr. Oleg Sheyanenko, an MSF doctor. "The
son had been a tremendous emotional support, and N.L. did not want
to disappoint him. He had a significant influence on the treatment,
and most of the time N.L. was listening to him more than us." While
the MSF team continued to encourage and emphasise the importance of
adherence to the treatment with the help of his son, the team also
offered psychosocial support consisting of food parcels to ensure
a balanced diet, transportation allowance for him to come to the
polyclinic every day, firewood for the coldest months of winter,
and psychological counselling when needed.

After months of strenuous effort on both sides, N.L. started to believe
in the effectiveness and benefits of treatment. His attitude changed
over time.

"I very much wanted to finish my treatment, so I continued to take
drugs regularly. If you want to live, you have to finish the whole

Until the end of his treatment, N.L. visited the polyclinic every
day and never missed a dose.

"N.L.’s treatment is over, but technically speaking, he is only
‘fully cured’ if there is no relapse within five years," says
Parker. "But this has definitely brought hope to other patients and
to our team. For the first time in two years, our work in Armenia
has yielded a visible result.

"Needless to say, MDR-TB treatment imposes a considerable burden on the
patient. But also it has been emotionally challenging and frustrating
for our team, as we often felt guilty that we might be failing in our
work. We are now able to respond honestly to the recurrent question
from our patients: ‘Does this treatment work?’ ‘Has anyone ever been
cured with this treatment?’"

"Today, my treatment is considered complete. But what does this mean
to me?"

says N.L. "It means that I no longer have a fever or cough, and that I
am able to freely interact with people. We must not lose hope, we must
remain strong and patient and we will get to the end of treatment."

Lack of Effective Tools to Diagnose and Treat MDR-TB

Owing to the perception that TB is a disease of the past and a
disease of the poor, international communities have not considered
TB an enticing market worthy of research investments or development
for the past 50 years.

Meanwhile, TB is becoming increasingly difficult to treat due to
the rapid spread of MDR-TB. Existing MDR-TB treatment has limited
effectiveness, an unacceptable length and side effects. Plus,
insufficient global production of second-line drugs makes its price
unaffordable for the vast majority of patients in need.

MSF is currently treating 55 patients with MDR-TB in two districts of
Yerevan, Armenia; 25 of them are hospitalized at the special treatment
unit in Yerevan outskirts, and 30 are receiving ambulatory treatment
at two polyclinics in Yerevan.
