The Blocking Of Getar Is An Illegality

21:24 07/11/2007

"Today our city faces real danger: during floods our city is threatened
to be inundated with water in the results of blocking the Getar",
said Roland Manukyan, the chief hydroelectric of "Armhydroelectro"
project, in the press conference held today. According to him the
bulwark around the Getar in Arindj-Avan is covered with ground and
construction materials. He added, "The reservoir of Sevaberd can not
be the solution of it, as only one stream of the Getar flows into it."

According to Mr. Manukyan the first step to solve this problem is to
clean the bulwark, and to ensure that during the floods it will serve
its goals. Mr. Manukyan mentioned that some part of the Getar, from
Heratsi street to Tumayan, is blocked and a tunnel in 16m large is
built. He also mentioned that during the floods the pressure will be
too high and the city will be deluged. It was announced that the road
construction on the Getar has not been examined by nature protectors,
and it is illegal. Mr. Manukyan said, "If they assign me, I’ll do the
examination myself free of charge: the important thing is to overcome
this problem."

Karine Danielyan, the head of "For people’s stable development" NGO,
mentioned that according to sanitary conditions and air pollution
problems the blocking of the Getar is not recommended. Sona Ayvazyan,
the head of "region development centre" NGO, said that to blockade the
Getar they need city building examination, which they do not have. In
addition to this they sent numerous letters to the government but
all the letters remained unanswered. The participants said that the
actions and discussions connected with this subject will be organized
in the future, too.