Categories: News

Large Scale Excavations Under Way


16:14 08/11/2007

"After long years of break, this is the third year now that the
archeology institute has started excavations of old monuments on
the funds released by the state budget," Pavel Avetisyan, director
of Archeology and Ethnography Institute, told Panorama.am. This year
the state released 96 million drams to the archeology institute. "Most
funds are used for archeological digging. Field studies and excavations
have been conducted in the area of 28 monuments in the course of this
year," Avetisyan said.

In his words, rare samples are discovered from old Armenian capitals
of Armavir, Artashat and Dvin.

"Remains of a temple complex, inlayed bathroom have been discovered
in the area of Artashat. The constructions dating back to 1st and
2nd BC are vivid in terms of their monumental walls," he said. Small
statues, clay pots, beads, stamps, also included imported items,
were found during diggings.

The archeology institute is implementing joint programs with archeology
centers throughout European countries. "Thanks to these projects,
many items discovered by us are being laboratory tested in those
countries, which, unlike us, are equipped with new technology and
equipment. So far, we are using old technology and tools during our
field work," Avetisyan mentioned. However, the level of science and
research complies with the European standards, he said.

Varosian Antranik:
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