ANC-PAC Supports Greek-American Congressman From Florida

09.11.2007 10:18

A number of prominent Armenian Americans joined local leaders of
the Greek-American community at a fundraiser on November 2, 2007 for
Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL). The event for the Congressman was
held at the home of the President of the American Hellenic Council,
Mr. Dino Andrianos of Burbank, California.

Congressman Bilirakis, who is proud of his Greek heritage, was an
ardent supporter of the Armenian Genocide resolution when it was
considered last month by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on
which he serves. The event was attended by the national chairman of
the Armenian National Committee of America, Ken Hachikian and local
ANC leader Peter Musurlian.

"I know that all Armenian Americans are proud of Gus Bilirakis for
voting for the Armenian Genocide resolution," commented ANCA Chairman
Ken Hachikian after the event. "In the face of a concerted effort by
Turkey to kill this bill, Gus voted for the truth and we respect that,"
the ANCA Chairman added.

Congressman Bilirakis delivered the following remarks on October 10,
2007 prior to voting in support of H.Res.106 (the Armenian Genocide
resolution) in the House Foreign Affairs Committee;

"Today, I urge this committee to pass House Resolution 106 and
recognize the horrific tragedy of genocide carried out against the
Armenian people by the Ottoman Empire. The more than 1.5 million
innocent Armenians, men and women and children who died should not
be brushed aside by history or this Congress any longer. The reality
is that the Armenian genocide must not be put on the back burner
of history for fear of acknowledging the truth or fending our ally,

This resolution simply, once and for all, seeks to characterize
the deliberate extermination of one and a half million Armenians
as genocide.

For the sake of commemorating every instance of genocide, so as to
prevent its recurrence, let us adopt this resolution today and urge
its prompt and final passage."