PM Serge Sargsyan Presented The Priorities Of State Budget For Fisca

13.11.2007 15:24

Speaking at the National Assembly on the occasion of presenting
the draft budget for Fiscal Year 2008 for the consideration of
the Parliament, RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan said Budget 2008
is rather ambitious: its implementation envisages increase of both
revenue and expenditure parts.

Presenting the strategic priorities of the state budget for Fiscal
Year 2008 Serge Sargsyan pointed out to the solution of social and
demographic issues, expansion of the educational and intellectual
potential, development of the spheres of healthcare and organized
rest, solution of issues concerning the modernization of industry,
agriculture and construction, development of financial mediation,
formation of a contemporary and effective security system, rise of
the efficiency of republican and regional governance.

PM Serge Sargsyan said that "the complex economic processes in
the world have their immediate influence on the situation in our
country and make us clarify the views on Armenia’s place in world
economy. Mr. Sargsyan underlined that it’s necessary to focus primarily
on the perspectives of future, not niggling over the discussions of
the past omissions.

Speaking about Armenia’s neighbors, the Prime Minister said Azerbaijan
tries to present itself as a country with great resources, "and it’s
obvious that the development of oil processing industry leaves its
essential influence on all spheres of activity."

"Having a favorable geographical position, Georgia brings forward
ambitious programs of economic and political development," Serge
Sargsyan noted.

"It’s obvious that the geopolitical and economic realities suggest that
human resources are at the core of Armenia’s development," the Prime
Minister declared, meaning the potential of world-spread Armenians.