Assembly Of HHK Reminded Brejnev Period


[05:14 pm] 13 November, 2007

The assembly of the "Republican Party of Armenia" (HHK) made a
depressive influence on Hmayak Hovhanissyan, head of the politicians’
union "since it reminded the latest assembles of Brejnev period". He
considers that the depressing atmosphere of the assembly did not
correspond to the path our country adopted 16 years ago or aimed at
following the path.

"This assembly was depressing by its atmosphere and by the tone of
speeches, by the faces that had come to prove that they were the
members of the party to open ways for their personal progress,-said
the politician.

Hmayak Hovhanissyan is confirmed that "the death of public politics is
impending and the organizers of such assemblies consider themselves
modern political actors". The modern world denies holding similar
assemblies. "This was a Bolshevik assembly, where only one viewpoint
was presented and everyone welcomed it, everyone agreed with each other
as if there were no disputable issues or problems in our country".

Hmayak Hovhanissyan also reflected on Segre Sargsyan’s speech where
he announced that the spiritual father of the "Armenian National
Movement" wanted to "destroy the state". "One should have a great
imagination to accuse the founder of the Republic of anti-republican
activities, but when people come together for an objective, to share
the money of the country, to waste the prosperity of the country,
then the imagination should have ardent manifestations".