National Assembly Starts Discussing 2008 Draft State Budget


Noyan Tapan
Nov 13 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 13, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA National Assembly on November
13 started discussing the 2008 draft state budget. By the draft,
the revenues make about 744.8 bln drams, the expenditures – 820.8
bln drams, and the deficit – 76 bln drams. The settlement exchange
rate of a US dollar is 336.5 drams. The real growth of the gross
domestic product (GDP) is envisaged to make 10%, the GDP deflator –
4%, the inflation – 4% +-1.5%.

The RA minister of finance and economy Vardan Khachatrian said that
as a result of the preliminary discussions, 312 proposals have been
received from the NA factions, standing committees and MPs. These
proposals envisage additional expenditures of about 20.808 bln drams,
which, according to the minister, the government cannot satisfy. At the
same time, V. Khachatrian said that in case of possibility, proposals
consistent with the government’s program and policy will be discussed.