RA Prime Minister: Armenia Should Figure On Its Own Human Resource


2007-11-13 14:01:00

ArmInfo. Today, Armenia is living under conditions of a quickly
changing world. The international economic processes directly affect
the social and economic life of the republic, on one hand, and force
to confirm the country’s position in the world economic processes,
on the other hand, RA prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan said today in
the Armenian Parliament.

He said that the world development indicates that the new forms of
cooperation, based on the "state-private trader" interrelations,
succeed the old control methods. By assessment of the international
organizations, S. Sargsyan said, the world economy is presently in
an impetuous process. The situation, developed in the USA hypothec
securities market, vast reduction of the interest rates and cheapening
of the American dollar with respect to other currencies, cessation of
the agriculture backing process by the European Union, an unprecedented
growth in the world market for fuel and foodstuffs directly affect
Armenia’s economy. The finances and the manpower in a liberalized
world have become more mobile. Thus, China and India in the manpower
market have an undisputable long-term competitive advantage.

The prime :minister continued that the rates of real stable growth of
wages in Armenia over the last years make the goal of enhancement of
the competitiveness of numerous upgraded enterprises of the country

Meanwhile, the international financial resources are sent to the
countries where relative advantage is observed. The developed
countries, having yielded competition, close the enterprises and
create modern branches instead of them, based on the knowledge. Under
conditions of regional development, their positioning from
the viewpoint of a relative advantage is also vital today. Thus,
Azerbaijan presents itself as a raw material country and, naturally,
development of the oil branch of production dints in all the vital
spheres. The economic and political programmes for Georgia, having
a beneficial geographical position, are of top priority. "I think it
is apparent to all of us that, taking into account the geopolitical
and economic situation, the human resource should form the basis of
Armenia’s development", RA PM said and added that he means the whole
world Armenians as a human resource.

"It is apparent to all of us that the Motherland is a center of
the political and economic interest for the considerable part of
Armenians spread out all over the world. They are really interested
in Armenia’s development and should be considered as financial and
economic residents of the country. It means that it is impossible to
carry out one or another global programme henceforth without taking
into account this factor", S. Sargsyan emphasized.