We Should Discuss Mistakes On Time


13-11-2007 18:40:15

During the latest meeting with builders Prime Minister Ara Harutiunyan
said since the government is the main contractor of building in
Karabakh, the government controls quality and speed. The prime minister
said it is necessary to reconsider the building tariffs and control
performance of commitments of builders to the government. The control
agencies should also be controlled. Ara Harutiunyan said construction
tenders will be open for all the companies.

During the consultation it was mentioned that major breaches are found
in projects and budget documents, as well as in building regulations,
quality of building materials, qualification of specialists,
architectural solutions, tenders.

Most interestingly, accusations were heard from the present minister
of urban planning Alexander Mamunts who used to be the director of
Capital Construction. By the way, most construction was done by this
company. It turns out that the minister is speaking about mistakes
made by the company he used to head. Why did he fail to criticize
low quality building materials when construction was underway? Now
that the buildings have been built, it is too late to accuse anyone.

Apparently, a new practice is emerging in Karabakh – the people voice
concern about the mistake who are responsible for them. Where were
they before?