Management Of ‘Haypost’ CJSC Had To Dismiss 100 Employees


2007-11-14 14:58:00

ArmInfo. The management of "Haypost" CJSC (Armenian post) had to
dismiss its 100 employees as these people worked not in the Company’s
interests, Director General of "Haypost" Hans Boon said at today’s

He said that just 100 people and no more were dismissed, as the
press wrote.

He added that these dismissals are a disciplinary measure. "Once
these people were fixed up for a job here by acquaintanceship and
continued to receive a salary for nothing", H. Boon said. He added
that as of January 1, 2007, the Company numbered 3800 employees. The
"Haypost" is under reorganization, which is carried out for enhancement
of quality of the rendered services and thus, the non-professional
employees had to leave the Company, he said. Surely, the unnecessary
workplaces will be cut during reorganization and the new ones will be
opened. No such large-scale job cuts are envisaged within the next
five years, H. Boon said. He added that the Company has assumed a
social liability and intends to develop the available human capital
and attract new contracts . As he said, three-month contracts are
presently signed with employees.

In the nearest time, the Company intends to prepare a draft
new collective agreement for three years . Termless contracts
will be signed with separate employees of special value. It is
also scheduled to improve the working conditions and the social
security. The Company also intends to use the system of bonuses for
encouragement of employees. Further, it is going to provide a medical
insurance as well, Hans Boon said. He added that the revenues of
"Haypost" grew by 40% over 9 months, 2007. The expenses also grew
but insufficiently. The labour productivity increased. If an employee
served 1-2 correspondences per day, now this number reaches 5-6.

To note, on November 30, 2006, the full block of stock of "Haypost"
CJSC was passed to the trust management of the Dutch Company, the
"Haypost Trust Management", which belongs to the Dutch Postfinance.