Robert Kocharian Welcomes Prime Minister Of Bulgaria


Nov 14, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 14, ARMENPRESS: President Robert Kocharian received
today Sergey Stanishev, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria,
who arrived in Armenia on November 13 on a three-day official visit.

Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian was also in attendance, Kocharian’s
press office said.

The press office said Robert Kocharian assessed highly the current
level of Armenian-Bulgarian cooperation saying also that the
spiritual-cultural similarities bring the two countries and peoples

The parties discussed a wide scope of Armenian-Bulgarian relations,
emphasizing the further intensification of economic activity. They
also referred to the opportunities of cooperation in the framework
of the European Neighborhood Policy.

Sergey Stanishev highlighted the role of the Bulgarian-Armenian
community in the development of relations between the two countries,
saying Armenians of Bulgaria are fully integrated citizens playing
an active role in different areas of the country’s life.

The two men touched upon cultural cooperation, noting that an agreement
has been reached to hold Bulgarian Culture Days in Armenia next year.

After talks with Serzh Sarkisian on Tuesday Armenia and Bulgaria signed
five agreements which were said to will strengthen Armenian-Bulgarian
relations. One of the agreements provides for the creation of an
inter-governmental commission on bilateral economic cooperation.

Sergey Stanishev and members of his entourage visited today morning
the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan to commemorate the victims of the
1915 Armenian Genocide. They also visited the nearby Genocide Museum
and Institute.

"We should remember the past, live for the presence and believe in
future, because remembering the past is the best impetus for building
future ‘ Stanishev wrote in a special book in the Museum.

Sergey Stanishev was to meet today with chairman of the Armenian
National Assembly Tigran Torosian. He is scheduled also to meet with
faculty and students of the Yerevan State University and visit also
a school in Yerevan named after a Bulgarian poet Peyo Yavorov.

Bulgarian Prime Minister will talk to representatives of the Bulgarian
community in Armenia and members of the Armenia-Bulgaria friendship

At the end of his visit Stanishev will meet Catholicos Karekin II,
head of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church. Stanishev’s visit to
Armenia is part of his Southern Caucasus republics tour. He arrived
in Yerevan from Baku and will visit Georgia on November 15-16.