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Application for AGBU’s 2008 New York, Paris Yerevan Summer Program

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Application Deadlines Approaching Fast for AGBU’s 2008 New York, Paris
and Yerevan Summer Intern Programs

The AGBU-sponsored New York, Paris and Yerevan Summer Intern Programs
(NYSIP, PSIP and YSIP) are currently accepting applications for the 2008
summer session for college-age students who are interested in gaining
professional experience and personal growth, as well as engaging
cultural exploration and socializing with fellow Armenians in a dynamic

Now in their 21st, 5th and 2nd seasons respectively, NYSIP, PSIP and
YSIP provide interns with unique and valuable professional opportunities
in their field of interest, working at some of the most prestigious
institutions in the world. Past internship placements in New York have
included the United Nations, Columbia University Medical Center, UBS
Bank, Merrill Lynch, New York 1 News and Sports Illustrated. Paris
interns have been placed at the Louvre Museum, Saint Anne Hospital,
Universal Music Mobile, Cabinet NAC, Paris Observatory and the Pierre
and Marie Curie University. Internships in the Armenian capital have
included positions at the American University of Armenia (AUA),
Cafesjian Museum Foundation, World Health Organization, Foreign Ministry
of the Republic of Armenia, National Assembly, Central Bank of Armenia,
and several leading medical institutions.

The intern programs consist not only of professional experiences, but
also cultural activities, lifelong lessons and friendships. In New York
and Paris, participants take part in seminars on resume-writing,
interviewing, and job networking, plus attend lectures on Armenian
heritage and culture. In Yerevan, interns are fully engrossed in the
culture of the motherland with Armenian dance, language and history
discussions given by distinguished professionals and scholars.


In three diverse urban settings, interns have the chance to socialize
with other Armenian students and young professionals, making lifelong
friendships, while exploring the daily buzz and nightlife of a new city.
In addition, the internship programs include volunteer service
activities that emphasize the importance of giving back to the Armenian

All three summer intern programs strive to give participants a solid
foundation upon returning to their home communities with an enhanced
sense of their Armenian identity, a new network of peers from around the
world, and an increased direction for their future careers. It is the
goal of the AGBU that participants will form closer connections to their
cultural identity and become future leaders, both personally and
professionally, in their respective communities in the future.

Application deadlines are fast approaching; NYSIP application
submissions are due December 7, 2007, while those for PSIP and YSIP are
due no later than January 18, 2008. Students interested in receiving
more information on the AGBU programs can contact NYSIP at
nysip@agbu.org, PSIP at stages@ugabfrance.org, and YSIP at
ysip@agbu.org. All forms are available online on the AGBU flagship
website, agbu.org, by clicking on the Downloadable Forms pull-down menu.

Sponsored by the AGBU President’s Club, the AGBU New York Summer Intern
Program (NYSIP)(agbu.org/nysip) was established in 1987 by Vartkess and
Rita Balian, and continues to be under their supervision during this,
its 21st year. AGBU NYSIP places young, aspiring Armenians in eight-week
internships in the corporate, international, art and medical worlds of
New York, while providing a well-rounded program of Armenian cultural,
educational and community-service activities.

Sponsored by AGBU France District, the AGBU Paris Summer Intern Program
(PSIP) (etudiants.ugab.fr) was established in 2003, placing young
aspiring Armenians in seven-week internships working for leading
organizations in Paris. Integral to the summer intern program is a
dynamic series of cultural, educational, and social activities.

Sponsored by the AGBU Central Board of Directors, the AGBU Yerevan
Summer Intern Program (YSIP) (agbu.org/ysip) was established in 2007,
placing young aspiring Armenians in five-week internships in the
corporate, political, communications, and medical fields of Armenia. In
addition, there is an all-inclusive agenda of Armenian dance, language,
culture and history, plus weekend trips to various regions around the

Topchian Jane:
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