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Priorities Of Activity Of New "Eurasia Cooperation Foundation" Prese


Noyan Tapan
Nov 15, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 15, NOYAN TAPAN. Since 1995, the activities of
the Eurasia Foundation in Armenia have been aimed at developing the
civil society, local self-governance, communities and small and
medium business. The legal successor of the Eurasia Foundation –
the new Eurasia Cooperation Foundation will continue this work,
attaching greater importance to development of local capacities and
ensuring the preparation and implementation of a greater number of
investment programs at the local level. The president of the Eurasia
Foundation Horton Beebe-Center stated this during the November 15
meeting with the Armenian president Robert Kocharian. According to
him, the Eurasia Cooperation Foundation Yerevan Office will be part
of the network of local foundations in the South Caucasus.

R. Kocharian welcomed the goals of the Foundation and expressed a
willingness to cooperate, stressing that there is already a successful
experience of cooperation and the programs implemented by the Eurasia
Foundation bear evidence of it.

During the meeting, in which the president of the Eurasia Cooperation
Foundation George Zarubin and the Foundation’s Armenian representative
Gevorg Ter-Abrahamian took part, the interlocutors also spoke
about the process of democratization in Armneia. Pointing out that
democracy presupposes consistent, patient work and the formation of a
political culture, R. Kocharian said that the purpose of the political,
economic, local self-government’s reforms in Armenia is to strengthen
the fundamental bases of democracy.

Tashjian Arbi:
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