Seventh International Exhibition "Armprodexpo" Opens In Yerevan


Noyan Tapan
Nov 14, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 14, NOYAN TAPAN. Products of more than 60 local
and foreign companies: alcoholic and soft drinks, confectionery,
milk and meat products, dried fruit, tinned goods, etc. are displayed
at the seventh international exhibition "Armprodexpo" that opened in
Yerevan on November 14.

The exhibition’s organizers are the RA ministry of foreign affairs, the
RA ministry of agriculture, the RA chamber of commerce and industry,
and the Agrobusiness Development Center. "Armprodexpo" was opened
by the Armenian president. In his words, the number of companies
emngaged in agricultural production is growing year by year, while
the quality of their products is not inferior to those produced by
foreign companies.

"Today domestic producers have abandoned their narrow mentality and
think about international standrads, about entering international
markets. All conditions should be created for producers so that they
will be able to export their goods abroad and compete with foreign
producers," R. Kocharian stated.

According to the RA minister of agriculture Davit Lokian, the purpose
of the exhibition is to assist and encourage domestic producers. The
minister said that many companies had submitted their bids for
participation in the exhibition but some of them have no opportunity
to do so because of the limited area of the exhibition. D. Lokian
said that by instructions of the Armenian president, an exhibition
hall will be built in Yerevan. All agricultural processing companies
will have the opportunity to present their production there.