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Armenians Living In Javakhk To Support Candidate Protecting Rights O


Noyan Tapan
Nov 27 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 27, NOYAN TAPAN. During the special presidential
elections to be held in Georgia the Armenians living in Javakhk will
vote for that candidate, who will put forward issues concerning
the protection of the rights of Armenians as national minorities,
and the status of the language, in particular. This statement was
made by Shirak Torosian, an MP of the RA National Assembly and the
Chairman of the Javakhk Patriotic Union, at the press conference held
on November 27. At the same time, he mentioned that it is difficult to
say whether any candidate will give such promises. According to him,
nationalism is very deeply spread in Georgia, not benevolent attitude
is being displayed towards Armenians, in particular, there.

In the words of Shirak Torosian, the most serious problem existing in
Javakhk is that of the language: Georgian authorities do their best so
as Armenians learn Georgian on account of the Armenian language. At
the same time, according to him, there are no conditions provided
for learning Georgian. In the estimation of Shirak Torosian, it
is all the same to the Armenians living in Javakhk what events are
currently taking place in the capital of Georgia. "They have already
understood that no matter what authorities are elected, the attitude
towards them will be the same," he said and added that the Armenians
living in Javakhk will make a concrete decision in the near future on
the fact of what line of conduct they will display in the forthcoming
presidential elections.

The Chairman of the Patriotic Union is also dissatisfaied with the
work conducted by the authorities, which is directed at the solution
of the problems of the Armenians living in Javakhk. He believes that
"the interests of the Armenians living in Javakhk should not be
sacrificed in favour of Armenian-Georgian friendship, the Armenians
living in Javakhk should be made a factor for strengthening that
friendship." Shirak Torosian is sure that in case of performing right
work, many problems will be positively settled.

"Armenian should contribute to the problems of the Armenians living
in Javakhk to be settled by the Georgian authorities, otherwise the
latters will put a demand for autonomy, which is not beneficial for
Georgia at all," he said.

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