BAKU: Azerbaijan To Buy Arms From Russia


ANS TV, Azerbaijan
Nov 29 2007

[Presenter] Azerbaijan is planning to buy arms from Russia. This issue
was discussed during Russian Defence Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov’s
visit to Azerbaijan yesterday, Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan Vasiliy
Istratov has told journalists. He added that the defence ministers
of the two countries were happy with the negotiations held in Baku.

[Istratov, speaking at a news conference in Russian with overlaid
translation into Azeri] This issue was definitely discussed both at
expanded meetings and at face-to-face meetings. As far as I know,
Russia does not deploy weapons in Nagornyy Karabakh. This issue has
been discussed at the ministers’ meetings on many occasions. As to
the redeployment of the military hardware withdrawn from the military
base in Georgia to the Russian base in Armenia, this equipment is in
the hands of Russian servicemen.

I have heard of Azerbaijan’s concern over this matter many times. I
also heard this from the defence minister and at talks with the
Azerbaijani leadership. [Actually, what Istratov said in Russian and
what was audible was: "The minister [Serdyukov] was also told about
these concerns during talks with the Azerbaijani leadership."]