Bill In Railway Transport Adopted In First Reading


Noyan Tapan
Nov 28 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 28, NOYAN TAPAN. At the November 28 special session,
the RA National Assembly adopted in the first reading the government’s
bill on railway transport and the addition (proceeding from this bill)
to the Law on Public Services Regulatory Body.

According to the main speaker – the RA minister of transport and
communication Andranik Manukian, in absence of the respective law, the
sector is now mainly regulated by legal acts of the former USSR. The
government envisages to pass Armenia’s railway for concession
management soon, however, no operator will assume management
("especially as, management of the blockaded Armenian railway")
due to the absence of the legal field.

In the words of the minister, the bill was developed with the
participation of World Bank experts and is in line with international
standards. The bill envisages that the powers to develop the
methodology of calculating payments for use of infrastructures in the
transport sector and to make and approve the calculation of payment for
use will be reserved to the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission.