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Historical Walk In The Minefield


Largir, Armenia
Nov 29 2007

It was expectable that the figures involved in the presidential
campaign would start at some point to "rinse" their past and others’
past. It is common knowledge that when a person cannot argue his own
meaning and absurd wishes, he covers the present with abundant speeches
about the past. Such is man. Sometimes even entire nations behave so.

Usually in their urge for historical revaluation the authors lay a
trap for themselves or step on mines laid by others. However, others’
experience is not a lesson in this case. Very few get out of the
habit of wearing "peacock’s feathers". There is no alternative.

In this connection, the Armenian pseudo-politicians are notable. The
well-known General Samvel Babayan who has been looking for his place
under this sun for a long time now not only dedicated odes to Prime
Minister Serge Sargsyan aspiring to presidency but also threatened his
opponents to reveal their crimes committed during the war. It seemed
to the general that the retrospective overview would become not only
his own "peacock feathers" but also an invaluable contribution to
the campaign of the figure who favored him after the parliamentary
election of May 12.

At this point self-confidence let the general down. The Armenian
society is hardly interested in who expulsed whom from where, who
helped whom, and so on. People worry about their future and expect
changes in their lives. They know the past of the "noted figures"
by heart and are not fascinated. Hence, the brave general with his
braveness only laid a trap for himself (and his defendant Serge
Sargsyan). Since all the Armenian society wants to know is the dark
pages of our modern history. In this sense, the abovementioned
figures could finally bring clarity and free our memory from the
burden of history.

Many people are asking the right question – let Samvel Babayan’s
defendant Serge Sargsyan ask once whether Samvel Babayan was involved
in the attempt against the ex-president of NKR Arkady Ghukasyan or
not. After all, Serge Sargsyan is aspiring to the post of president,
and he should clarify this issue of importance to the state, which
is still up in the air. The society does not know whom to believe,
Ghukasyan or Babayan. At the same time, many want to know which
president of NKR had conferred the medal of Hero of Artsakh on Samvel
Babayan and when. Maybe Babayan should answer this question and offer
arguments to the society. After all, it is the first Medal of Golden
Eagle – Hero of Artsakh ever conferred on anyone.

We think if Babayan and Sargsyan answer these questions, hardly any
other question from history will be asked to them. People will at last
get normal opportunities for electing a new president of Armenia. And
it does not take going deeper into history. Let others make their
own history clear.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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