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In Fact Aram Karapetyan Is Part Of The Scenario


Largir, Armenia
Nov 29 2007

The leader of the Nor Jamanakner (New Times) Party Aram Karapetyan
held a news conference on November 29 and stated that the decision
to deny him a certificate on permanent residence in Armenia over the
past ten years is a political instruction. "The instruction came from
Robert Kocharyan and Serge Sargsyan and was fulfilled by the National
Security Service and the Police. No explanation, no clarification,
no forceful argument. Today we disputed this decision at the court. I
think the court has also been instructed. I think it is all out of
fear. And this climate of fear affects everyone from an ordinary
official to Robert Kocharyan," Aram Karapetyan says adding that he
had expected it. Aram Karapetyan refers to it as "blunder made out of
fear." The leader of the Nor Jamanakner Party says the government did
not have any legal grounds to deny this certificate to him because
the same police has issued the document on permanent residence since
1992. Aram Karapetyan says when the government needs, it gives the
document, when it does not need, it overlooks.

"I think the outcome of the election is predetermined. I think Serge
Sargsyan will try to be president through force. And I think that
it will take a huge popular surge to fight and to get rid of this
government," Aram Karapetyan says. If he is not nominated, he says he
is not going to support any other candidate and will urge not to vote
for the government and will prepare for a post-election unification
and a peaceful revolution through a popular surge. The leader of the
Nor Jamanakner Party says the real opposition who did not sell itself
should join him.

"After the election all the participants who have a truly oppositionist
stance and are not paying a game will have to fight fraud and
wrongdoing in the election through a popular surge," Aram Karapetyan
says. The leader of the Nor Jamanakner Party says the election
will have two rounds, both violence and bribes will be used, and in
the end an outcome will be concocted and Serge Sargsyan will become
president. Aram Karapetyan promises to say who will be running in the
second round when all the nominees are known. He says in that case it
will be possible to check his awareness of the government’s scenario.

The question that in his opinion how long Serge Sargsyan will remain
president after an unfair election, for five days or for five years,
since Aram Karapetyan declared a revolutionary process five years ago
which does not seem to end, the leader of the Nor Jamanakner Party
thinks is philosophical and answers philosophically. "The people who
started the revolution in 1905 did not know they would win in 1917.

The revolutions are interesting because they start unexpectedly, and
victory is also unexpected. Because after the revolution almost all
the Bolshevists were abroad, only three were in the country, therefore
I think he will last short," Aram Karapetyan says. He says he is for
national revolutions, not flower revolutions, therefore they refuse
to register him. However, the leader of the Nor Jamanakner Party
believes this time the revolution will win.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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