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Kazimirov: Madrid talks focused on previous proposals with renewed


Kazimirov: Madrid talks focused on previous proposals with renewed wording
01.12.2007 13:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `In view of comparative confidentiality of contacts
between the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs and both parties to the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict one can suppose that Madrid talks focused on
previous proposals with renewed wordings of the issues Yerevan and
Baku have failed to coordinate so far,’ former OSCE MG Russian
Co-chair, Ambassador Vladimir Kazimirov told a PanARMENIAN.Net

`I suppose that the mediators consider these wordings admissible for
both sides. Besides, the opinion of the third party should be also
taken into account. However, it’s merely a supposition of mine,’ the
Russian diplomat said.

In Madrid, the Co-chairs presented a package of base principles of the
conflict settlement for further consideration of the Presidents.

Boshkezenian Garik:
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