Categories: News

NKR: My weapon is my tree

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Nov 30 2007

My weapon is my tree

The man whose name is Alexan by nick-name "Occupant" sent a letter to
editorial office of the newspaper "AA" in the town of Hadrout
proposing…It’d be better to tell everything one by one. Let’s get
acquainted with Alexander Baghdasarian closer. "Occupant" means the
ability to survive in any situation. Vladimir Narimanian who knows
him well, began to talk with us and explained the meaning if that
nick-name this way: it means that Alexan possesses the circumstances
which is particular to him. When he lived in Crimea he was a
photographer and was engaged in strawberry planting. His family was
living better. When Artsakh National Liberation Movement began, he
came back to his motherland with the family being sure that
motherland’s destiny can’t be solved without him. But the profession
of photographer wasn’t needed here. So he had to change his
occupation; he became a shoe-maker, a baker and those professions
were very useful during those hard years for Artsakh after the war.
Thanks to God, they weren’t hungry. And what we saw in his garden was
simply shocking. There were two year-old nice pine-trees and cypress
trees there. And all of them were grown by Alexan. He was taught to
grow different trees by a Russian forester-scientist Sergey
Polyakovski who always said that our atmosphere is very good for
growing those cultures. He did all that hard work lonely. But when
the first trees were sold, family members became calmly, moreover,
his sun began to assist him in that work. I’m a man who likes to
read. How can you explain the fact that you do that work but not the
professionals who are not less here in Artsakh? Alexan doesn’t agree
with this because there are many professionals who don’t feel the
main thing; they don’t love the nature. That’s why nobody thought to
do this work. And the business which he began 7-8 years ago was
prospering in his hands because he loves the nature endlessly. He
emphasizes: "I’m a reader”. Before the beginning of the business he
makes versatile studying, then he makes it a reality. This love came
to him from his father, grandfather who knew the local forests as
their finger tips. And they often took little Alexan with themselves.
But are yesterday’s and today’s forests comparable? It was pleasant
in forests in the past but now one is walking in unbearable silence.
There are less of forest dwellers. And it’s not only the result of
the free busters’ activity but also the consequence of cruel
treatment with forest wealth. The ex-head of the forest preservation
department of Hadrout province Vladimir Narimanian adds that the
forests are cut with many hectares and nobody plants trees instead of
them. Often not sick but healthy trees are cut making the whole
forest sick. The animals are quite sensitive to all this and simply
to our forest. Alexan says about it sorry. Our attempts to see and to
photo the forest cutting failed. Night rain made forests’ ways
impassable, we were forced to return on half a way. Instead, we
witnesses of free busters’ crime. No, Alexan doesn’t exaggerate, when
he’s deeply anxious with today’s situation in forests; Vladimir
Narimanian says. But he proposes to make real steps, to "repopulate"
with pine-trees and cypress because the curing qualities of these
trees are bigger for forests as well as for a man. Cypress taking
roots deeper in the land absorbes water from the lowest strata due to
which the land around the tree is not so dry during the drought as in
the case of other trees. Ether oil running from cypress germ kills
quality which assists to liquidate harmful germs in nearby territory.
Alexan affirms that it’s inaccidental that the everlasting green
trees are planted around the health resorts. We must not forget among
these frost resistant trees only cypress stands the drought. My
seedlings proved to be viable. Why forest keeping department doesn’t
plant pine-trees and cypress in the forests? My seedlings proved to
be viable, didn’t they? Every year I sell more and more seedlings.
Two years ago the "Karabakh-Telecom" company bought a big group of
this kind of trees (for a sum of 6 000 000 drams, well-known
charity-maker Levon Hayrapetian did it a year ago. Our army in every
new period of soldier swearing buys seedlings which corresponds to
the number of called up new soldiers for planting the tree by a
called up soldier according to the tradition is a symbol of absolute
devotion to the motherland. The more they buy seedlings, the more I
present them in honour of Liberators due to their lives we live now
in peace. My seedlings decorate facade administrative buildings,
military units, hospitals and hotels. Why can’t they live in our
forest to be useful not only for people, but also for the forest. And
what will happen if I sell these seedlings expensively? Only expenses
for two-years work are included in the price of it. I don’t spend
money for seeds, my children and friends send it for me from Russia
and the price of seedlings shows only my work. The planet of the
Earth is one organism. Once Alexan watched on TV how the fire stormed
in California devouring the thousands of hectares of precious
forests. Listening about difficult consequences of the disaster crazy
idea appeared in Alexan’s mind (instandard thinking is specific to
Alexan). During two years period he’s ready to present state of
California about 2 000 000 of seedlings. At first the people were
laughing when I began to do this business. But Alexan didn’t pacify.
He’s sure that the planet of the Earth is one organism and one part
of organism is sick, it will with no doubt ifluence on the function
of the other parts. World climate balance will be lost. And what can
be worse than it? By his own proposal Alexan decided to go to the
editing office of "Azat Artsakh" hoping that while Mr. Sahakian (the
president of NKR) is the USA it’s high time to speak about his
proposal publicly. The United States help us to become economically
developed country. Why cannot we help America with what we have
plenty. I can present them not only everlasting green trees but also
seedlings of Karabakh nut-tree which are quite worthy due to their
different useful qualities. About the USA and its role in the world
1. If we don’t know what’s taking place in Ethiopia, Indonesia or
Japan, it’s not big unhappiness. But not knowing about the superpower
number one, about correct entity of the behaviour of chief "judge" of
world conflicts whose military budget is equal to the budgets of all
the countries of the world together it impermissible. The reason of
my thoughts about the place and the role of the USA in the world was
an event which was discussed widely and accepted a year ago by
Armenian Government and society. We speak about the decision of the
United States Government for granting 236 000 000 of USA dollars aid
to Armenia within the program of "millenium challenges". But there
was not any worthy gratitude to Washington for such generous aid. On
the contrary, the fashionable and enjoyed topic continued to exist,
to criticize the USA, to accuse the US for making evil actions on the
Earth. But generally, Armenia is one of the countries which gets much
aid from the USA, among which it’s in the sixth place according to
accepted aid per capita. US Congress Study Service estimated
1992-2002 Armenia got more than 1.3 billions of dollars. 2. I’m not
passionate supporter of the USA not paying attention to the
democratic system of authorities organization, but to the majority of
principles on the basis of which the whole American public organism
is built. Why? Because they are anti-natural. But I’m supporter of
naturalistic outlook. The outlook which rises from law governed
nature in everything. That is when human-being is the part of nature
he’s obliged to obey the laws of nature. But the question here is
about estimation of practicable policy of Washington, imagination of
modern realities and about created problems and the ways for their
solution. 3. It’s unjust and unjust again to describe the policy of
US as aggressive opposing to world’s general interests as if the US
was led by negative selfish motives. There’s no country in the world
which did not get essential material aid from US. From Europe to
Africa. All post-soviet republics have got additional shares from
Washington since their independence. But they don’t stop complaining
of the actions of the USA (with ground and without it). Some of them
are high sycophants, some like puppies, the others claim calmly.
Dignity and beauty were forgotten long ago. No republic among them
will tell the USA "that will do, at last you’re neither our uncle
aunt, all the more, nor our mother or mother". On the contrary they
will cry (like unsatisfied chickens), if they get something not
enough. What’s the interest of the USA? What do US demand instead? US
demand only one. Don’t live radically. Don’t destabilize the world
where life is comfortable for me. That’s why you must live publicly,
transparently, justly. It’s American interest. It’s not less. It’s
the security guarantee for the USA and the others. Because there will
not be threat from such countries for the world. 4. Let’s bring some
facts and arguments for above written. From 1945 to 2006 the USA
spent 3.2 trillions of dollars for keeping stabilization in the Near
East. Economic and military help made up 850 billions of dollars for
the states of the region. The same takes place in other regions of
the world. For example, in Pyrenees, 1946-1965 years US financial aid
to Portugal made up 516.7 000 000 of dollars. Today’s Europe and
Japan rose from post-war ruins due to American aid. 5. So, if the USA
have the right to be the chief in the world. To be "a world
policeman". Many countries want to see America in the role of social
official philanthropist. It’s impossible. The music is ordered by
those who pay for it. The difference of the USA from the world,
regional and other order-makers is in the question that he’s safe for
other nations because authorities of US are restricted in their needs
and actions. They are restricted and controlled by the fairest, the
most practicable Constitution and really acting public institutes. 6.
This topic is wide. It must be looked through in complex with other
Powers, their behaviour and actions. Today, we simply want to
concentrate the attention on some facts. Reachable facts for their
eyes and ears also to make the majority of our readers get into the
habit of analyzing facts and events selfly, seldom, when they are

Ekmekjian Janet:
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