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OSCE’s Moratinos: Finland’s cooler climate may promote NK settlement

OSCE Chairman-in-office Miguel Moratinos: Finland’s cooler climate may
promote the Karabakh conflict settlement

2007-12-01 12:50:00

ArmInfo. OSCE Chairman-in-office Miguel Moratinos thinks that Finland’s
cooler climate may promote fair settlement of the Karabakh conflict, he
said at the briefing of the Three, as ArmInfo correspondent reports
from Madrid. He also expressed hope that the Finland’s party, which
will take the OSCe chairmanship, will be able to accumulate the work
Belgium’s and Spain’s work over their chairmanship. Assessing the
current process of the talks the Spanish diplomat said that the
situation was more optimistic when at the beginning of the year. He
also added that he held the trilateral meetings with Armenian and
Azerbaijani foreign ministers and the OSCE MG co-chairs. The atmosphere
of the meetings was very positive, and the fact that the managed to
prove the draft statement on Nagornyy Karabakh is evidence of this. The
statement will help the parties to the conflict to make a project on
the main principles of settlement, Moratinos said.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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