RA NA Adopts Bill On Special Investigation Service


Noyan Tapan
Nov 28, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 28, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA National Assembly, on
November 28, adopted nearly ten bills discussed in the two days. Among
them, five legislative packages were adopted first in the second
reading and some time later in the third reading and completely.

The package of bills On Special Investigation Service and On Making
an Amendment to the RA Criminal Code are among the latters. The
Zharangutiun (Heritage) faction was its opponent and voted against
it, and the Orinats Yerkir (Country of Law) did not take part in
voting. Styopa Safarian, the Secretary of the Zharangutiun (Heritage)
faction, during the bill’s discussion in the second reading the
day before had expressed an opinion that in the respect of possible
consequences that "terrible law" perhaps can be compared only with
the law On Investigation Activity adopted lately.

According to the law, the special investigation service to be created
in the future is an independent state body and is independent in
performing its functions. It will implement preliminary examination
of crimes committed by RA legislative, executive, and judicial
bodies’ leading officials, persons doing special state service,
connected with their post or with their involvement, as well as
preliminary examination on criminal cases connected with electoral
processes. Control over the legality of the preliminary examination
being carried out will be exercised by the RA Prosecutor General
or by prosecutors empowered by him. The RA President will appoint
the head of the service to that post with the Prosecutor General’s
introduction. The President can relieve the head of the service of
his post by grounds stipulated by the law.